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作者(英文):Ying-Cheng Wang
論文名稱(英文):Integration of English and Music in a CLIL program: A case study
指導教授(英文):Yueh-Hung Tseng
口試委員:Ya-Chun Shih
Yueh-Nu Hung
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本研究主要目的在於探討英語和音樂的整合如何影響學生在 CLIL 課堂
上的學習效果,以多模態融入到 CLIL 教學的方式。
本研究採用質性個案研究。研究對象為十四名東部四年級的小學生。 此課程為六週,每週一次於週五上課,每次有兩節課(一節 40 分鐘)。本 研究資料蒐集包括問卷、訪談,以及課堂錄影等方式,並採用質性資料分析 法來研究。
本研究從英語和音樂的整合角度,透過運用多模態的教學模式,探討 學生在 CLIL 課堂上的學習效果的影響。研究結果顯示,學生從多模態課程 中學習了語言、內容,以及語言與內容之外的內容,但在文化方面只有兩位 學生提及有學到此層面的內容。研究者也在本研究中提出一些建議以作為想 要從事雙語課程的教師和未來研究者參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the integration of English and music impact students’ learning outcomes in the CLIL classroom, with the integration utilizing multimodality.
A qualitative case study was applied. The fourteen participants were fourth- grade elementary school students in a rural area in eastern Taiwan. The six lessons were spread over six weeks with the classes held once a week for two periods (80 minutes) on Friday. The qualitative data was collected by means of open-ended questionnaires, interviews, and video recordings.
This research discusses the influence of students’ outcomes in the CLIL classroom in terms of the integration of English and music, utilizing multimodality. The results of the study were that the students learned language, content, and beyond language and content from the multimodal curriculum. However, only 2 students mentioned that they learned culture. The researcher has also provided some suggestions for teachers and future researchers of a bilingual curriculum in this study that could be used as a reference.
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Research Questions 2
1.3 Significance of the study 3
1.4 Limitations of the study 4
1.5 Definition of terms 4
2.1 CLIL 6
2.2 Multimodality 7
2.3 CLIL and Multimodal 9
3.1 Research Design 11
3.2 Research Context 12
3.3 Participants 12
3.4 Multimodal Curriculum 13
3.4.1 Curriculum Design in English Class 17
3.4.2 Curriculum Design in Music Class 19
3.5 Data Collection 21
3.6 Data Analysis 22
3.7 Trustworthiness 24
4.1 English class 25
4.1.1 Learning Language 25
4.1.2 Learning Content 29
4.1.3 Learning Beyond Language and Content 31
4.1.4 Comparison of High Achievers and Low Achievers 34
4.2 Music class 35
4.2.1 Learning Language 35
4.2.2 Learning Content 38
4.2.3 Learning Beyond Language and Content 40
4.2.4 Positive Aspects 44
5.1 Summary of the findings 47
5.2 Implications 48
5.3 Recommendations for Future Studies 48
Appendix A: The Major Teaching Procedures for Learning in English class 52
Appendix B: The Major Teaching Procedures for Learning in music class 53
Appendix C: Informed Consent Form 54
Appendix D: Before-Class Questionnaire 55
Appendix E: After-Class Questionnaire 58
Appendix F: Curriculum Design (Soft CLIL) 60
Appendix G: Curriculum Design (Hard CLIL) 67
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