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論文名稱:The Study of Personality and Subjective Well-Being for Honorary Teachers of Public Elementary Schools in Kualuh Leidong, Indonesia
論文名稱(英文):The Study of Personality and Subjective Well-Being for Honorary Teachers of Public Elementary Schools in Kualuh Leidong, Indonesia
指導教授(英文):Chih-Kang Yang
口試委員(英文):Ming-Chou Liu
Ya-Li Cheng
關鍵詞(英文):Personality traitssubjective well-beinghonorary teacherselementary public schoolsIndonesia
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This study investigated honorary teachers' personality traits and subjective well-being within four dependent variables: gender, age, duration of teaching, and education level. This study applied the quantitative method analysis where the data were from the mean, p, and r of the statistic survey's collections with 82 honorary teachers in Kualuh Leidong Sub District, Indonesia. The statistical analysis was Pearson product-moment correlation (PPMCC) were employed. In order to examine the personality and subjective well-being of independent sample One-Way ANOVA analysis, Linear Regression correlation analysis to analyze the correlation between the five dimensions, descriptive statistic method to obtain the sequence influence of the personality traits and subjective well-being.
The results showed that (1) the highest personality trait of honorary teachers was conscientiousness (M=4.01, SD=0.30) and the lowest personality was neuroticism (M=3.71, SD=0.43); (2) the highest subjective well-being variable was an achievement at work (M=3.78, SD=0.85), and the lowest was the satisfaction of material needs (M=3.49, SD=0.79); (3) correlation between personality traits and subjective well-being with (r= 0.424) ;(4) age (p=0.046) and education (p=0.044) have a significant relationship toward personality traits (neuroticism and agreeableness) whereas the duration of teaching and gender there was no significant correlation; (5) age, gender and duration teaching were not significant influence on subjective well-being; however, education (p=0.039)level were significant relationships toward subjective well-being (achievement at work). The result of an interview was that the honorary teacher felt happy as an honorary teacher and have some challenges during the covid-19 to teach students, such as internet connection, time to teach, and income.

Keywords: Personality traits, subjective well-being, honorary teachers, elementary public schools, Indonesia.
1.1 Background and motivation of research 1
1.2 Purpose of the research 7
1.3 Research questions 7
1.4 The terminology 8
2.1 Definition of teacher in Indonesia. 11
2.1.1 Honorary teacher in Indonesia 11
2.1.2 The challenges of honorary teachers in Indonesia 12
2.2 The review of personality 14
2.2.1 Approaching personality traits theory 20
2.2.2 Personality trait five factors theory definition 25
2.3 The review of subjective well-being. 31
2.3.1 Components of subjective well-being 34
2.3.2 Predictors of subjective well-being 34
3.1 Research design 39
3.2 The participants 42
3.2.1. Populations 42
3.2.1. Research site 42
3.2.2. Participants 48
3.3 Tools of research 49
3.3.1 Background characteristics 50
3.3.2 Personality questionnaire 51 Subjective well-being 52 Interview guidance 55
3.4 Research procedures 55
3.5 Data collections and analysis 57
4.1 Descriptive statistics for personality traits degree 59
4.2 Descriptive statistics for subjective well-being degree. 65
4.3 The Relationship between personality and subjective well-being. 69
4.4 The difference between socio-demographic factors and personality traits 73
4.5 The differences between socio-demographic factors and subjective well-being 76
5.1 Conclusion of the study 85
5.2 Suggestions for the future study 88
APPENDIX A English Questionnaire Version 103
English Questionnaire Version 103
APPENDIX B Kuesioner Versi Indonesia 111
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