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作者(英文):Han-Wen Ou
論文名稱:運用 Quantum GIS於高中地理資訊系統單元之教材設計
論文名稱(英文):Using Quantum GIS in the Design of Teaching Materials for the Geographic Information System Unit in High Schools
指導教授(英文):Chun-Lin Kuo
口試委員(英文):Meng-Lung Lin
Jun-Hua Lin
關鍵詞:108 課綱高中地理地理資訊系統QGIS空間分析
關鍵詞(英文):Curriculum Guidelines of 12- Year Basic EducationHigh School GeographyGeographic Information System (GIS)Quantum GISSpatial Analysis
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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108課綱中,地理資訊系統單元編在高一,教學現場上,除了課堂上以課本講授 為主外,再輔以多媒體授課。地理資訊系統主要內容,包括空間資料與屬性資料、向量資料和網格資料、環域分析、地形分析、疊圖分析等重要的觀念,使用課本中的敘述及圖表難以向學生說明,利用上機實作,透過操作來理解是最好的方法。
本研究嘗試運用QGIS為軟體工具,配合 108 課綱內容,設計出包括面量圖、等高線地形圖、等值線圖及環域分析地圖等四個單元各一小時的教材。在指導學生繪製, 過程中觀察並紀錄學生操作時所產生問題,以研擬因應的方案。實作後輔以問卷調查,以學生的回饋,分析對地理資訊系統基本觀念的認知,各項操作程序的難易程度,評估探討運用QGIS設計輔助教材的實用性。
本研究藉由上述行動研究法的反覆分析發現,雖然複雜度較高的 GIS 操作,學生較不易掌握,但對地理資訊系統觀念的認知、空間分析的知識能更加理解。在學生的質性回饋中,也反映對課程的高度滿意,甚至期望能有更進階的研習。對於提高學生學習熱誠及教學成效,有具體而實用的價值。
In the Curriculum Guidelines of 12- Year Basic Education, the topic of Geographic Information System (GIS) is included in the first academic year of senior high school. Typically, it is taught with textbooks and supplemented with multimedia such as videos. However, this method is unable to thoroughly present the main content of Geographic Information System which includes important concepts like spatial data, attribute data, vector data, raster data analysis, buffer analysis, terrain analysis, and map overlay analysis. The complexity of these concepts cannot be well explained or understood by only using brief descriptions and charts from textbooks. Compared with lectures, it is more efficient to understand GIS by having the students directly hand on using the software.
This research used Quantum GIS as the main software and incorporated the content of the 108 syllabuses to design four teaching materials that each last for one hour. The four topics includes area map, contour topographic map, contour map and buffer analysis. In the process of guiding students to use the software e, researcher observed and recorded the problems generated by students' operation and developed corresponding solutions. After the implementation, a questionnaire survey is collected to analyze students’ understanding of the basic concepts of GIS, the difficulty of each operation procedure, and evaluate the practicality of using QGIS to design auxiliary teaching materials based on the feedback of the students.
Through repeated analysis of the above-mentioned action research method, this study found that although the GIS operation with high complexity is not easy for students to master, the concept of GIS and the knowledge of spatial analysis can be better understood. In the qualitative feedback of students, it also reflects a high degree of satisfaction with the course, and shows students are looking forward to more advanced study. It shows this design of teaching materials is practical and valuable for improving students' enthusiasm for learning and teacher’s effectiveness.
摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 執行與方法 5
第一節 研究方法 5
第二節 教材設計 8
第三節 教學環境 20
第四節 實施對象及過程 23
第三章 教材與課程的連結 25
第一節 教材對應108課綱 25
第二節 教材對應教科書版本 29
第四章 觀察及分析 31
第一節 教學過程觀察 31
第二節 由作業觀察對學生GIS的認知 34
第三節 教材操作分析 38
第五章 成效與檢討 47
第一節 成效 47
第二節 檢討 48
參考文獻 53
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