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作者(英文):Wei-Li Yeh
論文名稱(英文):Luminescence emission and phonon-related relaxations in zinc oxide
指導教授(英文):Yue-Lin Huang
口試委員(英文):Tsung-Hui Tsai
Hsin-Chang Chi
關鍵詞(英文):Zinc OxidePhotoluminescenceElectron-Phonon Coupling
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Having highly stable excitons, zinc oxide (ZnO) exhibits excellent optoelectronic properties. This attracts many researchers interested in fundamental and application-oriented issues, especially that related to energy relaxations of carriers in ZnO and its luminescence behaviors. The excitonic processes leading to near-band-edge emission (NBE) have been well understood, whereas the understanding of deep-level emission (DLE) mechanisms still need to be clarified. In this work, taking epitaxial and polycryslline ZnO for comparison, NBE and DLE luminescence has been observed. We found that the relative intensities of various luminescence emissions depend significantly on the excitation source’s property and power. Anisotropy of the emissions is indicated by effects of using different incidence-collection setups. Mechanisms leading to the emissions and carrier-phonon coupling strengths in ZnO will be discussed.
第1章 文獻回顧與研究問題 1
1.1 半導體中載子-聲子交互作用與光致螢光 1
1.2 氧化鋅的螢光特性與載子-聲子耦合 2
1.3 研究問題 7
第2章 實驗方法 8
2.1 螢光實驗 8
2.2 氧化鋅樣品 11
第3章 實驗結果 13
3.1 氧化鋅的典型螢光光譜 13
3.2 室溫觀察 18
3.2.1 螢光光譜 18
3.2.2光譜特徵 23
3.3 變溫觀察 26
3.3.1 螢光光譜 26
3.3.2 溫度對光譜特徵的影響 30
第4章 討論與結論 37
4.1 實驗觀察總結 37
4.2 熱淬滅與聲子耦合 41
4.3 激發光功率相依與螢光放射機制 44
4.5 展望 46
參考文獻 47
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