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作者(英文):Hsin-Hao Chiu
論文名稱(英文):Conceptual design and application of an AIoTs AC susceptometer
指導教授(英文):Sheng-Yun Wu
口試委員(英文):Yue-Lin HUANG
Meng-Chu Chen
關鍵詞(英文):IoTsAC susceptibilityAC susceptometer
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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此自製的交流磁化率儀系統包含感應線圈組、激發線圈、鎖相放大器及Arduino。激發線圈負責為內部的感應線圈組及待測樣品提供外加交流正弦磁場,使樣品產生交流磁訊號。利用此訊號穿透由感應線圈圍成平面的磁通量,讓感應線圈內部生成感應電流,再利用由IC AD630組成的鎖相放大器模組檢測此感應訊號,最後將其傳輸到微控制器Arduino上。另外,我們透過3D列印技術設計並列印出儀器所需的零件,並結合一些電子零件及金屬配件,完成儀器整體的架構。
To reduce the cost of AC susceptibility measurement and to increase the portability of the instrument, we designed, developed, and build a low-cost desktop AC susceptometer for measuring the magnetic properties of materials in this study.
The system of the AC susceptometer consists of pick-up coils, a primary coil, a lock-in amplifier, and Arduinos. The primary coil is responsible for providing an applied AC sinusoidal magnetic field to the pick-up coils and the test sample. The magnetic signal penetrates the magnetic flux in the plane enclosed by the pick-up coils and generates an induction current inside the pick-up coils, which is detected by the lock-in amplifier composed of IC AD630 and transmitted to the microcontroller Arduino. In addition, we designed and printed out the parts we needed in the instrument through 3D printing technology and combined some electronic parts and metal accessories to construct the instrument.
All parts we used can be easily and inexpensively found on the internet shops or in brick-and-mortar stores. The cost of our self-made instrument is much lower than the old AC susceptometer, and the total cost is less than NTD$5000. With the advancement of technology, the cost of 3D printers is decreasing, the accuracy is increasing, and the printers can be reprinted at any time by using the 3D printers in the lab. It significantly reduces the difficulty of the instrument maintenance and also reduces the space occupied by the instrument because the instrument is self-made.
第一章 緒論  1
第二章 理論基礎  3
第三章 實驗儀器介紹  5
第四章 數據  38
第五章 總結  40
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