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論文名稱:基於HyperLedger Fabric出租屋網門禁系統
論文名稱(英文):The Access Control System on House Rental Sites Based on HyperLedger Fabric
指導教授(英文):Shou-Chih Lo
口試委員(英文):Yao-zhong Zhang
Guan-Ling Lee
關鍵詞(英文):HyperLedgerFabricComposerSmart ContractDocker
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:33
  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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  本論文的目的是開發一個租屋的網站和門鎖的結合的系統,改善傳統租屋流程,將傳統租屋網作為參考,利用Hyperledger Fabric的特性,整合房屋簽約,打造整合型出租屋網門禁系統,改善傳統租屋的門鎖並使用本文提出的區塊鏈門鎖方案,達到更安全的租屋環境。
  The evolution of blockchain can be divided into three main stages. From the very beginning of Bitcoin as a representative, with the rise of Ethereum in the second stage, the function of smart contracts has been developed. The goal of the third stage is Hyperledger, which is the first blockchain specially designed for enterprises. Compared with the previous two stages, Hyperledger does not have its own virtual currency. For most enterprises, virtual currency is usually not required. This paper integrates the blockchain technology into the rental house website and the door lock access control system, and studies the implementation of technical combination.
  The purpose of this paper is to develop a system that combines a rental website and the door lock control system by improving the traditional rental process. Taken the traditional rental network as a reference, we use the characteristics of Hyperledger Fabric to integrate house signing and create an integrated rental network access control system. This system can improve the door locks of traditional rental houses and use the blockchain-based scheme proposed in this paper to achieve a safer rental environment.
第 1 章 前言 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 論文綱要 2
第 2 章 背景知識 3
2-1 區塊鏈 3
2-1-1 起源 3
2-1-2 區塊鏈種類和共同技術 3
2-1-3 智能合約 4
2-1-4 區塊鏈種類比較 5
2-2-1 背景 6
2-2-2 項目介紹 6
2-4 DOCKER 12
2-5 相關應用 13
第 3 章 出租屋門禁系統 RHACS 15
3-1 RHACS 設計 15
3-2 區塊鏈租屋網架構 15
3-2-1 區塊鏈租屋網網頁架構 16
3-2-2 區塊鏈租屋網租屋流程 17
3-3 區塊鏈門禁架構 20
3-4 區塊鏈租屋網業務網路設計 21
3-5 智能合約設計說明 22
3-5-1 登入註冊合約 22
3-5-2 門禁控制及租屋購買合約 23
3-6 SERVER 架構及安裝部屬範例 24
3-6-1 Server 架構 24
3-6-2 前置安裝 24
3-6-3 開發環境安裝 25
3-6-4 Business Network 網路部屬 25
第 4 章 出租屋網及門禁系統實作 28
4-1 實驗環境 28
4-2 區塊鏈租屋網界面展示 29
4-2-1 區塊鏈租屋網登入頁 30
4-2-2 區塊鏈租屋網註冊展示 31
4-2-3 區塊鏈租屋網儲值功能展示 32
4-2-4 區塊鏈租屋網購買功能展示 33
4-2-5 區塊鏈租屋網歷史紀錄展示 34
4-3 區塊鏈門鎖功能展示 36
4-4 門禁系統消耗比較 37
第 5 章 結論與未來工作 38
5-1 結論 38
5-2 未來工作 39
第 6 章 參考文獻 40
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