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作者(英文):Hung-Wen Chuang
論文名稱(英文):Route and charging planning and congestion control of electric vehicles
指導教授(英文):Chenn-Jung Huang
口試委員(英文):Liang-Chun Chen
Yu-Wu Wang
關鍵詞(英文):Path and charging planningcongestion controlelectric vehiclesmachine learning
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隨著石油能源造成的汙染和環保意識的提升,為了要減少碳的排放量未來勢必會使用電動車(electric vehicle, EV)來替代石化燃料的汽機車,這個環境污染的議題顯得電動車發展日趨重要。然而,每位駕駛擁有的電動車比例逐年增加,當尖峰時刻時,道路無法負荷巨大的車流量進而造成壅塞發生。在近年的文獻中,有專家學者致力於研究路徑與充電規劃和壅塞控制,其目的在改道分散車流。然而未考慮到駕駛的需求。至今為止還沒有和未針對幹道車流量問題進行研究和討論,因此本文提出了電動車路徑和充電規劃與壅塞控制,以解決尖峰時刻時壅塞發生的問題。整個系統分為四大模組:路徑與充電規劃模組、路徑行駛時間模組、最短時間需求模組、壅塞控制模組。
With the pollution caused by petroleum energy and the improvement of environmental protection awareness, in order to reduce carbon emissions, electric vehicles (EV) will be used to replace petrochemical fuel turbine vehicles in the future. This environmental pollution issue is becoming increasingly important for the development of electric vehicles. However, the proportion of electric vehicles owned by each driver increases year by year. When the rush hour occurs, the road cannot load the huge traffic flow, which causes congestion. In recent years, some experts and scholars have devoted themselves to the study of path and charging planning and congestion control, with the purpose of diverting and dispersing traffic flow. However, driving needs are not taken into account. So far, there is no research and discussion on the problem of traffic flow on trunk roads. Therefore, this thesis proposes the path and charging planning and congestion control of electric vehicles to solve the congestion problem at rush hour. The whole system is divided into four modules: path and charging planning module, path travel time module, shortest time requirement module and congestion control module.
Firstly, the path and charging planning module finds the driving path according to the starting and destination of electric vehicle driving and charging demand, then calculates the travel time of each path by the path travel time module according to the predicted time of each road section, and then executes the shortest time demand module according to whether there is the shortest time demand for driving, and finally implements the congestion control module if the road in this period If the traffic volume reaches the maximum limit, drivers will be advised to take other routes. The experimental results show that the proposed path and charging planning and congestion control of electric vehicles can effectively reduce the traffic flow on the main road during rush hours, so that the vehicle flow does not exceed the maximum flow limit of the road and avoid congestion.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法 3
第四節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 電動車路徑與充電規劃 5
第二節 壅塞控制 6
第三節 機器學習 6
第三章 電動車之路徑和充電規劃與壅塞控制 9
第一節 系統環境和架構 9
第二節 路徑及充電規劃模組 11
第三節 壅塞控制模組 18
第四章 路徑和充電規劃與壅塞控制演算法 19
第五章 實驗結果與分析 23
第一節 模擬環境設定 23
第二節 實驗結果與分析 25
第六章 結論與未來工作 35
參考文獻 36
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