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作者(英文):Hsuan-Tse Huang
論文名稱(英文):A Plant Diseases and Pests Recognition System based on Multi-label Learning
指導教授(英文):I-Cheng Chang
口試委員(英文):Yuan-Kai Wang
Yi-Cheng Chen
Huang-Chia Shih
關鍵詞(英文):Deep learningPlant Diseases and Pests RecognitionMulti-label Learning
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植物病蟲害辨識是科技結合農業領域中的一個重要主題,因為植物病蟲害辨識可以節省人力成本並且幫助農業發展。在目前的植物病蟲害辨識相關研究中,許多論文將主流CNN模型應用於辨識植物的疾病,這些研究透過葉子上的病徵來判斷該植物感染的疾病,然而大部分研究假設一片葉子上僅存在一種病徵,因此所採用的資料集皆為single-label data。但在實際的農園現場中,一株植物可能同時間會感染上多種疾病,其葉片上也會出現多種病徵,因此本論文提出一個基於multi-label的植物病蟲害辨識系統來解決此問題。
本論文提出一個基於multi-task learning架構的multi-label分類模型,其為Multi-Label Branch Network (MLBNet)。Multi-task learning的概念是將多個任務整合在一個模型中,其中包含多個負責訓練自己的任務的分支架構,並且每個分支可以透過共享特徵來提高模型的泛化能力。在本系統中我們將multi-label分類問題轉換為多個single-label的二元分類問題,我們建立了多個分支架構來處理多個single-label二元分類問題,其中每個分支都可以被視為一個任務。在MLBNet中每個分支共享相同feature maps,並負責辨識其對應的類別,每個分支的輸出代表一張圖片中的葉子是否感染了該疾病。我們在multi-label dataset和single-label dataset上評估我們提出的方法。在multi-label的實驗中,我們將MLBNet和其他multi-label模型互相比較;實驗結果證明相較於其他multi-label方法相比我們提出的方法具有更好的準確率。而在single-label實驗中,我們評估MLBNet的表現並與多個著名的CNN模型進行比較;實驗結果顯示MLBNet在single-label分類中可以達到與效果最好的CNN模型相同的準確度。
Plant diseases and pests recognition is an important topic of agriculture technologies since it can reduce human labor and help plant growth. Many studies adopt deep learning models to identify plant diseases through investigating the symptoms on leaves. However, most approaches focus on the single-label problem that one left only has a single symptom. In practical applications, plants are possible to be infected with multiple diseases so that multiple symptoms could appear on the same leaf. The thesis developed a recognition system for plant diseases and pests based on multi-label learning to face the practical problem.
The study proposed a multi-label classification model, Multi-Label Branch Network (MLBNet), based on multi-task learning. The concept of multi-task learning is to integrate many tasks into a model, which contains multiple branch structures responsible for training its tasks. Each branch can share features to improve the model’s generalization ability. A multi-label classification problem can be transformed into several single-label binary classification problems. We construct multiple branches to deal with these single-label binary classifications, where each branch is regarded as an independent task. In our MLBNet, each branch shares the same feature map from previous layers and is trained for identifying the corresponding label. We evaluate our MLBNet on multi-label datasets and single-label datasets. In the experiments of multi-label classification, we also compared our proposed method with state-of-the-art methods. The results show that our proposed method outperforms other multi-label methods. And in single-label experiments, we evaluate MLBNet and then compare it with other popular deep CNN models like ResNet and DenseNet. The results show that MLBNet can achieve competitive accuracy compared to the best accuracy in deep CNN models.
Outline i
List of Figures ii
List of Tables iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Related work 3
2.1 Image Classification 3
2.2 Plant Diseases and Pests Recognition 4
2.3 Multi-label Learning 5
2.4 Multi-task Learning 6
3. Method 7
3.1 Proposed Method 7
3.2 Backbone Network 9
3.3 Multiple Branches Classifier 10
3.4 Network Design 11
3.5 Loss Function 14
3.6 Datasets 14
3.6.1 Pomelo Dataset 14
3.6.2 PlantVillage Dataset 19
4. Experimental Results 22
4.1 Experimental Setup 22
4.2 Evaluation Metric 22
4.3 Multi-label Classification 23
4.4 Single-label Classification Results 25
4.4.1 Pomelo-SL 25
4.4.2 PlantVillage 26
4.5 Discussion 27
4.5.1 Multi-label and single-label classification 28
4.5.2 Parameters 33
4.5.3 Learning Curves 33
4.5.4 Prediction results 34
5. Conclusion 37
6. Reference 38
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