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作者(英文):Chan-An Chung
論文名稱(英文):Effect of mechanical alloying on characteristics of refractory high entropy alloys
指導教授(英文):Chun-Liang Chen
口試委員(英文):Yi-Hao Pai
Cheng-Yu Wang
Chun-Liang Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Mechanical alloyhigh entropy alloysrefractory high entropy alloys
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:12
  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Refractory high entropy alloys (RHEAs) have excellent mechanical properties and high temperature stability. In this study, the different model refectory high entropy alloys produced by mechanical alloying were investigated. There are five main investigations included in this study. Firstly, the effect of sintering methods on WMoVTi medium entropy alloys has been studied. The results indicate that high vacuum sintering can effectively reduce the formation of oxide particles and microstructure homogeneity. Secondly, the WMoVNb medium high entropy alloys adding with a small amount of Y was studied. The addition of Y element can enhance solubility of alloy system and mechanical properties. The third part was further to understand the effect of Ti content on WMoVCrTi high entropy alloys. The results show that Ti-rich oxides increase with increasing Ti concentration, which can alter the material performance. The next part was to investigate the influence of sintering temperatures on WMoVCrTi high entropy alloys. It reveals that a higher sintering temperature can promote solubility of the model high entropy alloys and form a single BCC solid solution phase. The final part was to clarify the effect of W element on WMoVCrTi high entropy alloys. The change of W content can affect alloying processing during ball milling, solubility of alloy system and mechanical properties of final products.
Keyword: Mechanical alloy; high-entropy alloys; refractory high entropy alloys
第1章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 2
第2章 文獻回顧 3
2.1高熵合金 3
2.1.1高熵合金發展及原理 3
2.1.2 嚴重的晶格應變 4
2.1.3 擴散速率降低 4
2.1.4雞尾酒效應 5
2.2耐火高熵合金 5
2.3散佈強化 7
2.4 機械合金 8
2.4.1 機械合金原理 8
2.4.2 機械合金製程 8
第3章 研究方法與實驗步驟 15
3-1 粉末製備 15
3-2 合金成形 15
3-3 合金分析 16
第4章 結果與討論 27
4.1不同燒結方法對WMoVTi中熵合金之影響 27
4.1.1粉體XRD分析 27
4.1.2 塊材SEM與EDS分析 28
4.1.3 塊材XRD分析 29
4.1.4維氏硬度分析 29
4.2釔對於WMoVNb 中熵合金的影響 36
4.2.1粉體XRD分析 36
4.2.2 SEM與EDS分析 37
4.2.3 塊材XRD分析 38
4.2.4維氏硬度分析 39
4.3鈦含量對WMoVCrTi高熵合金影響 47
4.3.1粉體XRD分析 47
4.3.2 SEM與EDS分析 47
4.3.3 塊材XRD分析 48
4.3.4維氏硬度分析 49
4.3.5壓縮應力分析 49
4.4燒結溫度對WMoVCrTi高熵合金影響 60
4.4.1 SEM與EDS分析 60
4.4.2 XRD分析 61
4.4.3維氏硬度分析 62
4.5鎢的添加對WMoVCrTi高熵合金影響 69
4.5.1 粉體XRD分析 69
4.5.2 塊材SEM與EDS分析 69
4.5.3 塊材XRD分析 70
4.5.4維氏硬度分析 71
第5章 結論 79
參考文獻 82
Uncategorized References
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