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作者(英文):Chao-Yun Huang
論文名稱(英文):LPCVD synthesis and characterization of GaS crystals and their 2D structures
指導教授(英文):Yi-Jia Chen
口試委員(英文):Chi Chen
Yen-Pei Fu
Yi-Jia Chen
關鍵詞(英文):LPCVDgallium sulfideNBE emissionmultilayer stack
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We tried to grow gallium sulfide thin films on silicon and sapphire substrates using LPCVD. We use gallium metal and sulfur powder as current catalysts. The carrier gas was 96% argon and 4% hydrogen.
After several comparisons of experiments, we found that the arrangement method using a single quartz tube can obtain the largest area of the film. From the FE-SEM image, it can be observed that the crystal of GaS is a sheet-like structure obliquely inserted on the substrate. Also, these lamellar crystals grow mainly from the side. From the data of EDS and XPS, it can be found that the further downstream the film is, the higher the sulfur-gallium ratio of the film will be. And the ratio of sulfur to gallium of GaS grown on silicon substrate will be higher than that of sapphire substrate. From the XRD spectrum, it can be found that the GaS thin film powder scraped from the substrate has two peaks that cannot be observed by the GaS on the substrate. The gallium sulfide we synthesized is rhombohedral, which is different from the hexagonal mentioned in most literatures and has a layered structure. In the PL spectrum, we found the near-band-edge emission of monolayer and bilayer GaS and its corresponding intrinsic defect emission. NBE emission of 3 to 5 layers were also found. Finally, the effects of stress and special interlayer defects generated by the multilayer stack of GaS on the formation of the energy level phase are also found.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XVII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章 研究基礎與文獻回顧 3
2.1 GaS基本性質與應用 3
2.2 LPCVD技術 6
第三章 實驗系統與研究方法 9
3.1實驗流程 9
3.1.1前驅物準備 10
3.1.2試片準備 11
3.2製程設備 12
3.3分析方法 14
3.3.1 X光繞射分析儀(XRD) 15
3.3.2場發射型掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 16
3.3.3能量散布光譜儀(EDS) 17
3.3.4 X射線光電子能譜儀(XPS) 18
3.3.5光致激發光光譜儀(PL) 19
3.4實驗規劃與參數 20
第四章 實驗結果與討論 27
4.1製程討論 27
4.1.1無石英管 31
4.1.2單石英管 34
4.1.3雙石英管 43
4.1.4單石英管製程時間結果比較 50
4.1.5單石英管持溫時間的前驅物消耗量 54
4.2 FE-SEM影像及EDS數據分析 56
4.2.1 無石英管樣品 57 0X-Si-20-N-1樣品 57 0X-Si-20-N-2樣品 62
4.2.2 單石英管樣品 69 1C-Si-20-N樣品 69
4.2.3 雙石英管樣品 76雙石英管矽基板樣品 76雙石英管藍寶石基板樣品 83雙石英管加倍載流氣體矽基板樣品 89
4.2.4 持溫時間成長過程系列 98
4.3 XRD光譜分析 101
4.3.1基板上薄膜之XRD光譜 101
4.3.2從基板上刮下之粉末的XRD光譜 110
4.3.3晶相鑑定 116排除Ga2S3 116確認GaS 121
4.4 PL光譜分析 131
4.4.1 0X-Si-20-N-1樣品的PL光譜分析 131
4.4.2 2C-Si-20-N樣品的PL光譜分析 134
4.4.3 PL光譜450nm - 600nm部分 139
4.4.4 2 layers 147
4.4.5 3~5 layers 152
4.5 XPS數據討論 159
4.5.1 XPS S/Ga討論 159
4.5.2 2C-Si-20-N擬合結果 164
第五章 結論 171
參考資料 173
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