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作者(英文):Wan-Ru Chen
論文名稱(英文):Design of a Low Cost High Performance Front-end Receiver for Wireless Communication System Applications
指導教授(英文):Ro-Min Weng
口試委員(英文):Hung-Che Wei
Yue-Fang Kuo
關鍵詞(英文):front-end receiverbody-biased technologyCurrent bleeding technologytransimpedance amplifier
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本論文主要針對「應用於無線通訊系統之低成本高性能接收機前端電路設計」進行研究探討、設計與製作,共提出兩顆分別應用於ZigBee系統和車用雷達系統的電路設計,並使用台灣半導體研究中心所提供tsmc 0.18m 1P6M CMOS製程模擬及實作,晶片採用on-wafer方式測量。
第一顆為「應用於ZigBee系統2.4GHz之低電壓低雜訊放大器設計」,此電路使用疊接架構,在不增加電源消耗的情況下提高增益,並使用基體偏壓技術,可以有效降低操作電壓,且可以透過調整 來優化整體增益和雜訊,其量測結果如下:操作電壓0.6V,總功率消耗為2.16mW,增益為19.2dB,雜訊指數為2.3dB,輸入三階截斷點為12dBm,輸入返回損耗與輸出返回損耗皆小於10dB,晶片面積為1.114×0.863mm2。
第二顆為「應用於車用雷達系統之低成本高性能接收機前端電路設計」,整合了低雜訊放大器和混頻器,使用電流注入技術來提高轉換增益,負載級採用共模回授架構取代傳統電阻式負載,在不影響線性度的情況下提高轉換增益,緩衝級則是採用跨阻放大器供量測使用,可以增加轉換增益並達到良好的輸出阻抗匹配。其模擬結果如下:操作電壓1.3V,總功率消耗為4.5mW,轉換增益26.8dB,雜訊指數為7.8dB,輸入三階截斷點為15dBm,輸入返回損耗與輸出返回損耗皆小於10dB,晶片面積為0.824×0.897 mm2。
The research, design and implementation of a low cost high performance front-end receiver for wireless communication system applications, is presented in this thesis. Two RF circuits were proposed for either ZigBee systems or vehicle radar systems, respectively. Both circuits were simulated and fabricated by using tsmc 0.18m 1P6M CMOS process technology provided by Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute. The circuit performances were measured by an on-wafer method.
The first chip is a 2.4GHz low noise amplifier with low voltage for ZigBee systems. This circuit uses a stacked architecture to improve gain without increasing power consumption. Using the body-biased technology can effectively reduce the operating voltage and optimize the overall gain and noise by adjusting VBS. Under the supply voltage of 0.6V, the circuit performances are achieved with a gain of 19.2dB. The noise figure is 2.3dB. The IIP3 is -12dBm. The total power consumption is 2.16mW. The chip size is 1.114×0.863mm2
The second chip is a low cost and high performance receiver front-end for vehicle radar systems that both low noise amplifier and mixer were integrated together. The designed mixer is based on an architecture of a traditional single-balanced mixer. Current bleeding technology is used to increase the conversion gain. The load stage utilizes a common-mode feedback architecture instead of a traditional resistive load to improve the conversion gain without affecting the linearity. The buffer stage is a transimpedance amplifier for measurement, which increases conversion gain and achieves good output impedance matching. Under the supply voltage of 1.3V, the circuit performances are achieved with a conversion gain of 26.8dB. The noise figure is 7.8dB. The IIP3 is -15dBm. The total power consumption is 4.5mW. The chip size is 0.824×0.897mm2.
第一章 序論 1
第二章 射頻接收機前端介紹 9
第三章 應用於ZigBee系統2.4GHz之低電壓低雜訊放大器 29
第四章 應用於車用雷達系統之低成本高性能接收機前端電路設計 57
第五章 結論與未來方向 85
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