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作者(英文):Yu-Sheng Chen
論文名稱(英文):Model Based Design and Realization of a Flight Control System for Quadcopters
指導教授(英文):Hsin-Jang Shieh
Juhng-Perng Su
口試委員(英文):Juhng-Perng Su
Kuang-Hui Chi
關鍵詞:四旋翼機基於模型設計飛行控制器Matlab SimulinkUAV Toolbox
關鍵詞(英文):quadcopterModel Based DesignPixhawk 4Matlab SimulinkUAV Toolbox
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隨著無人機的技術發展以及生活化,四旋翼機擁有垂直起降及空中停旋能力,在監視與偵查方面,能力更勝於無人固定翼機,應用方面更加多元,也越來越多人投入旋翼機的開發與應用。傳統上的旋翼機開發,通常需耗費大量的時間與經費,加上實驗上有一定程度的危險性,因此提升效率變成現今的開發重點。本論文將探討基於模型設計(Model Based Design)流程,一種針對複雜控制系統提升開發效率的設計方式,設計四旋翼機飛行控制器,來提升開發效率,進而製作一架實體四旋翼機。

Pixhawk系列飛行控制器近年來成為自主飛行器開發的首選,其開源的特性也大大增加無人機的多元應用的可能性。本論文以Pixhawk 4飛行控制器為實際例子,藉由了解四旋翼機飛行原理,推導出四旋翼機的運動學與動力學模型,並在Matlab Simulink下建立出四旋翼機的模型,藉由模擬來驗證推導出來的四旋翼機的模型。
實機測試部份,本論文以Foxtech-Hover-1四旋翼機為例,將建立好的控制器,透過UAV Toolbox轉換成程式碼植入Pixhawk 4飛行控制器中,來實際驗證四旋翼機是否能穩定飛行。

As the technique of drones continues to develop and getting more common, quadcopters have the ability to take-off vertically and hover, in return, its ability to monitor and scout, also becomes more prominent than those of the unmanned fixed-wing aircrafts; its application is also more versatile, and so, more people are getting into the development and application of rotorcrafts. Traditionally, the development of rotorcrafts would usually consume a lot of time and budgets, not to mention the risks of actual experimenting, therefore, improving efficiency became the main focus of development. This thesis will discuss about a procedure based on Model Based Design, which is a kind of design method focusing on improving the efficiency of developing sophisticated control systems, designing flight control systems for quadcopters, improving development efficiency, and eventually, designing an actual quadcopter.

The Pixhawk series flight control systems have become the first choice for developing autonomous aircraft in recent years, its open-sourced feature has also greatly increased the possibility implement it in multiple ways. This thesis will use Pixhawk 4 flight controller as an example, to derive a quadcopter’s kinematics and dynamics model by understanding its flight principle, and create a quadcopter model under Matlab Simulink, then verify the derived quadcopter model by simulations.

For actual testing, this thesis will use the Foxtech-Hover-1 quadcopter as an example, by utilizing the UAV Toolbox and transform the established controller into source codes, then implement them into the Pixhawk 4 flight controller, in order to verify if a quadcopter is able to fly steadily.

In the results of the experiments, it is certain that the method decreases a lot of time and budgets consumed; in the process of eliminating errors, it is easier to analyze the source of issue, compared to the traditional way of reviewing large quantities of source code, the efficiency has increased distinctly, also, it is possible to improve a specific component, while not affecting other components’ functionality. The test results will be of great help during a quadcopter’s initial design, and hopefully, it would also become the theoretical basis for actual application.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 x
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章、基於模型設計 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 控制器模型設計 9
2.3 軟體在環(Software in-the-loop) 10
2.4 硬體在環(Hardware in-the-loop) 10
2.5飛行實驗 12
第三章、多旋翼機飛行原理 13
3.1前言 13
3.2 四旋翼機飛行原理 13
3.2.1四旋翼機設計 13
3.2.2 翻滾角、俯仰角、偏航角(Roll-Pitch-Yaw) 15
3.3座標系 18
3.3.1座標轉換 20
3.2.2四元數法 23
3.4數學模型 25
3.4.1基礎定義 25
3.4.2運動學模型 26
3.4.3動力學模型(牛頓-尤拉模型Newton-Euler model) 30
3.4.4數學模型建立 35
第四章、飛行控制系統模擬設計 39
4.1 前言 39
4.2 Matlab無人機套件(UAV Toolbox) 39
4.3 信號源子系統 40
4.4 控制器子系統 42
4.4.1水平運動控制 42
4.4.2垂直運動控制 44
4.4.3 PID控制器 44
4.4.4 控制器架構圖 45
4.5控制分配器子系統 47
4.6 馬達動力學子系統 48
4.7 回授子系統 50
4.8 數學模型模擬 52
4.9 Flight Gear模擬 53
第五章、四旋翼機模擬與測試 55
5.1 前言 55
5.2 Simulink模擬 57
5.3 Pixhawk 4飛行控制器 64
5.4 控制器植入 66
5.5 飛行實驗及結果 72
第六章、結論與未來展望 77
6.1 結論 77
6.2未來展望 78
參考文獻 81
[1] Muhammad Arifudin Lukmana, Hendro Nurhadi, “Preliminary study on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Quadcopter using PID controller”, 2015 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA)

[2] Amin Talaeizadeh, Esmaeil Najafi, Hossein Nejat Pishkenari, Aria Alasty, “Deployment of Model-based Design Approach for a Mini-quadcopter”, 2019 7th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM)

[3] Roger chamberlain, Walid Taha, Martin Törngren, Cyber Physical Systems. Model-Based Design,2018

[4] Pixhawk 4 https://docs.px4.io/master/en/flight_controller/pixhawk4.html

[5] Matlab Simulink: Simulation and Model-Based Design https://www.mathworks.com/products/simulink.html

[6] Model-Based-Design for Embedded Control System https://www.mathworks.com/solutions/model-based-design.html

[7] Foxtech-Hover-1 https://www.foxtechfpv.com/foxtech-hover-1-quadcopter.html

[8] Quan Quan, Xunhua Dai, Shuai Wang, Multicopter Design and Control Practice: A Series Experiments based on MATLAB and Pixhawk,2020

[9] UAV Scenario Tutorial https://www.mathworks.com/help/uav/ug/uav-scenario-tutorial.html

[10] UAV Package Delivery https://www.mathworks.com/help/uav/ug/uav-package-delivery.html

[11] What’s the Difference Between Pitch, Roll, and Yaw? https://www.machinedesign.com/learning-resources/engineering- essentials/article/21834526/whats-the-difference-between-pitch-roll-and-yaw
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