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作者(英文):Jheng-Ru Sun
論文名稱(英文):Beetle structural color simulation and numerical analysis
指導教授(英文):Chin-Jung Chuang
口試委員(英文):Tsyr-Huei Chiou
Chih-Hung Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):beetlemultilayer structuresblue shiftray tracing
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本實驗藉由模擬多層膜反射為基礎,研究折射率、層厚、層數等參數對於反射光譜的影響,藉由台灣扇角金龜(Trigonophorus rothschildi)在入射角25到65度之間量測的反射光譜數據,嘗試獲得甲蟲的表面結構的折射率、單層層厚等參數,嘗試對此類甲蟲進行分類與建模。



In this experiment, the practical effects of parameters on the reflection spectra were investigated on the basis of multi-layer membrane reflection simulations. The reflection spectra of the Trigonophorus rothschildi measured by an angle of incidence between 25 and 65 degrees. Were attempt to obtain parameters such as refractive index and thickness of the surface structure of the beetles for classification and modeling.

In 1990s, it was observed that beetle scutellum have reflex properties different from pigment based ones. Those colors will not fade over time, which called structural colors. Most beetles have a multi-layered membrane structure as the mechanism for color production, and all of them have a phenomenon called blue-shift, where the peak wavelength of the spectrum becomes shorter when the incident angle of light changes.

In addition to the general phenomenon of blue shift, the possible reason of the color change is caused by water droplets on the scutellum of beetles were also investigated. The influence of the surface profile and contact angle of water droplets on the incident light was investigated by the Q-U ray tracing and the trend line ray tracing. It was found that the surface of the water drop was not the main cause of the exacerbation of the blue shift phenomenon, and the refractive index of the water droplet had a more pronounced effect on the incident light.

Finally, we also tried to factor in random layer thickness in the model. That model the imperfect structural properties of the beetle surface, also compare the reflection spectra of the beetles.
第一章 序論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 多層膜反射模擬 13
第四章 模擬與量測 27
第五章 討論與結論 47
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