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作者(英文):Po-Han Lee
論文名稱(英文):Exploring the Antecedents and the Effect of Subjective Financial Well-being on Work engagement:Moderated Mediation Approach
指導教授(英文):Chia-Wu Lin
口試委員(英文):Chi-Tai Shen
Chih-Ying Wu
關鍵詞(英文):Subjective financial well-beingTrait self-controlFrugalityMindfulnessWork engagement
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研究針對台灣25歲到60歲間,有全職工作的各產業員工進行兩階段的問卷調查,共收集了300份有效的問卷資料。分析結果顯示: 1.自我控制特質、節儉,皆與主觀財務幸福感有顯著正向關係。2.主觀財務幸福感與工作敬業心之間,有顯著正向關係。3.主觀財務幸福感在自我控制、節儉與工作敬業心之間,有顯著中介效果。4.當員工具備的正念特質越高,主觀財務幸福感與工作敬業心之間的正向關係會更加強烈。5.對高正念特質的人來說,主觀財務幸福感在自我控制特質、節儉與工作敬業心之間的中介效果,比低正念特質的人更加強烈。最後,本研究針對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向,提出數點建議。
The concept of subjective financial well-being is comprised of people who accumulated enough financial capital to maintain their long-term ideal living standard and satisfaction with their personal financial situation. But why financial well-being matters? And what factor can affects individual’s perception of financial well-being still worth to discuss.
This study explores whether trait self-control and the life style of frugality affect people’s perception of subjective financial well-being, and also examines whether subjective financial well-being affects employees’ work engagement. And also considers the ability of personal mindfulness as a moderator in the relationship between subjective financial well-being and work engagement.
This study conducted a two-stage questionnaire survey with employees whose aged between twenty-five to sixty years old from various industries in Taiwan and collected a total of 300 valid questionnaires. Results showed that first, trait self-control and life style of frugality are positively associated with subjective financial well-being. Second, subjective financial well-being is positively associated with work engagement. Third, subjective financial well-being can mediate the relationship between trait self-control, life style of frugality and work engagement. Fourth, mindfulness moderates the relationship between subjective financial well-being and job engagement. Fifth, under high mindfulness, subjective financial well-being has an indirect effect on the relationships among trait self-control, life style of frugality and work engagement. Finally, this study puts a few suggestions for theoretical contributions, practical implications, research limitations and future research directions.
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究問題與目的 6
第二章、 文獻探討與假設推論 7
第一節、主觀財務幸福感 7
第二節、自我控制特質的理論基礎 16
第三節、節儉 18
第四節、工作敬業心 20
第五節、正念 24
第六節、研究假設之推論 29
第三章、 研究方法 37
第一節、研究架構 37
第二節、資料分析工具 38
第三節、研究樣本 39
第四章、 研究結果 53
第一節、區別效度檢定 53
第二節、迴歸分析與假設檢驗結果 57
第五章、 研究結論與建議 65
第一節、研究結果 65
第二節、理論貢獻與實務意涵 67
第三節、未來研究方向與研究限制 73
參考文獻 77
附錄一:研究問卷(一) 99
附錄二:研究問卷(二) 103
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