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作者:Misheelt Bayarsaikhan
作者(英文):Misheelt Bayarsaikhan
論文名稱:The Mediating Role of Attitude toward the Social Networking Advertising in the Relationship between Instagram Influencer Credibility and Purchase Intention
論文名稱(英文):The Mediating Role of Attitude toward the Social Networking Advertising in the Relationship between Instagram Influencer Credibility and Purchase Intention
指導教授(英文):Wen-Hai Chih
口試委員(英文):Chung-Hung Tsai
Yu-Li Lan
關鍵詞(英文):Endorser CredibilityAttractivenessTrustworthinessExpertiseAttitude toward the Social Networking AdvertisingPurchase Intention
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Companies are increasingly using Instagram as a marketing tool to raise brand awareness and appreciation, as well as to attract and communicate with customers. This study proposes an investigation into how Instagram influencer credibility (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) relates to attitude toward the social networking advertising and purchase intention, how the attitude toward the social networking advertising mediates the relationship between Instagram influencer credibility and purchase intention. The study is based on the Cognition-Affect-Behavior (C-A-B) model. It targets Mongolian Instagram users aged 15 and above. The results indicated that all hypotheses were supported. Thus, this study provides academic and managerial implications based on these results.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
Contents of Tables vi
Contents of Figures ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivations 2
1.3 Research Questions and Objectives 5
1.4 Research Gaps 5
1.5 Sampling Scope and Subjects 6
1.6 Research Procedure 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 Cognition-Affect-Behavior (CAB) Model 9
2.2 Instagram 9
2.3 Instagram Influencer Marketing 10
2.4 Endorser Credibility 11
2.5 Attitude toward the Social Networking Advertising 12
2.6 Purchase Intention 13
2.7 Hypothesis Development 13
Chapter 3 Methodology 17
3.1 Research Framework and Hypotheses 17
3.2 Operational Definitions and Measures 19
3.3 Questionnaire Design 23
3.5 Data Analysis Method 23
3.6 Examination of Common Method Variance 25
3.7 Pilot Study Results 26
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 31
4.1 Formal Survey 31
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 31
4.3 Common Method Variance 35
4.4 Reliability and Validity Analysis 36
4.5 Structural Model 42
4.6 The Mediation Effect 45
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 49
5.1 Research Conclusion 49
5.2 Research and Managerial Implications 50
5.3 Research Limitations 51
5.4 Future Research Suggestions 52
References 53
Appendix 1: Questionnaire of Pilot Study and Formal Survey 67
Appendix 2: Questionnaire Sources 73
Appendix 3: Common Method Variance - Exploratory Factor Analysis 75
Appendix 4: Convergent Validity 76
Appendix 5: Correlation Matrix for Measurement Items 78
Appendix 6: Reliability Analysis 79
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