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作者:Le Duy Thang
作者(英文):Le Duy Thang
論文名稱(英文):An Investigation on the Determinants of Buying Decisions of Online Shopping in Vietnam: Taking the Fashion Products as an Example
指導教授(英文):Sheau-Hwa Chen
口試委員(英文):Christine Chou
Kuo-Hsun Liao
關鍵詞(英文):perceived usefulnessperceived ease of useperceived behavior controlperceived riskonline purchase intentiononline shoppingtechnology acceptance model (TAM)theory of planned behavior (TPB)theory of perceived risk
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The purpose of this research was to explore the influences on Vietnamese customers' online purchase intention for clothing products. With the awareness of how important and the influence of e-commerce, many companies understand that online shopping is a massive source of profits. In order to attract customers, companies must figure out the needs of customers and their shopping behavior. This current research investigated Vietnamese behavior through purchase intention by using the technology acceptance model (TAM), theory of planned behavior (TPB), and theory of perceived risk. The theoretical framework included the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived behavior control, perceived risk, and online purchase intention.
Data was collected through an online survey of 320 Vietnamese people who had experienced or heard about clothing products online shopping. The results demonstrated that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived behavior control were important factors to online purchase intention in Vietnam online clothing industry. Additionally, this study also provided information about the difference among the demographic groups regarding online purchase intention in Vietnam.
Keywords: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived behavior control, perceived risk, online purchase intention, online shopping, technology acceptance model (TAM), theory of planned behavior (TPB), and theory of perceived risk.
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. ii CONTENTS........................................................................................................................ iii
LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................................................................vi
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vii
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1
1.1 Research background .................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Online retailing ......................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Vietnam online retailing market ............................................................................3
1.2 Research motivation...................................................................................................8 1.2.1 Theoretical gap.......................................................................................................8 1.2.2
Research motives ......................................................................................................9
1.3 Research questions...................................................................................................10 1.4
Research objectives.................................................................................................10
Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................11
2.1 E-commerce .............................................................................................................11
2.2 Consumer behavior ..................................................................................................13
2.3 Consumer decision making......................................................................................14
2.4 Purchase intention ....................................................................................................16
2.5 Theory of reasoned action (TRA) ............................................................................17
2.6 Technology acceptance model (TAM) ....................................................................19
2.7 Theory of planned behavior (TPB) ..........................................................................21
2.8 Perceived risk..........................................................................................................23
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................................27
3.1 Research framework ................................................................................................27
3.2 Research hypothesis.................................................................................................28
3.3 The relationship among variables and hypothesis development..............................28
3.3.1 Relationship between perceived usefulness and consumer purchase intention ...28
3.3.2 Relationship between perceived ease of use and consumer purchase intention ..29
3.3.3 Relationship between perceived behavior control and consumer purchase
intention ...........................................................................................................................30
3.3 The factors of items and measurements...................................................................33
3.4 Sampling design and data collection........................................................................35
3.4.1 Determine sample size .........................................................................................35
3.4.2 Data collection .....................................................................................................35
3.5 Statistical analysis technique ...................................................................................36
3.5.1 Descriptive statistics ............................................................................................36
3.5.2 Reliability test ......................................................................................................36
3.5.3 Validity analysis...................................................................................................36
3.5.4 Correlation analysis .............................................................................................37
3.5.5 Multiple regression analysis ................................................................................37
CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS.........................................................................39
4.1 Demographics characteristics ..................................................................................39
4.2 Descriptive analysis .................................................................................................42
4.2.1 Perceived usefulness ............................................................................................42
4.2.2 Perceived ease of use ...........................................................................................43
4.2.3 Perceived behavior control ..................................................................................44
4.2.4 Perceived risk.......................................................................................................45
4.2.5 Online purchase intention ....................................................................................46
4.3 Independent samples test analysis and ANOVA .....................................................47
4.4 Reliability test ..........................................................................................................52
4.5 Validity test..............................................................................................................53
4.7 Multiple regression analysis ....................................................................................56
Chapter 5 DISCUSSIONS.....................................................................................................61
5.1 Discussions ..............................................................................................................61
5.2.1 Theoretical implications.......................................................................................62
5.2.2 Managerial implications.......................................................................................62
5.3. Limitations and suggestions.....................................................................................63 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................65 APPENDIX.............................................................................................................................77
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