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作者:Nguyen Thi Ai Xuan
作者(英文):Nguyen Thi Ai Xuan
論文名稱:The Effect of Organic Foods Labels on Consumers’ Purchases: The Moderating Role of Revealed Information and Organic Foods Knowledge
論文名稱(英文):The Effect of Organic Foods Labels on Consumers’ Purchases: The Moderating Role of Revealed Information and Organic Foods Knowledge
指導教授(英文):Wen-Hai Chih
口試委員(英文):Cheng-I Chu
Chi-Horng Liao
關鍵詞(英文):Organic Foods LabelsPerceived Food SafetyAttitude towards Organic FoodsOrganic Foods PurchasesRevealed InformationKnowledge of Organic FoodsSkepticism on Organic Labels
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Consumers’ purchase behaviors toward organic foods are formed and influenced by several factors. This study investigates the relationships among organic foods labels, perceived food safety, attitude towards organic foods, and organic foods purchases based on Stimulus Organism Response (S-O-R) model. In addition, it also investigated the moderating effect of revealed information, organic foods knowledge, and skepticism on organic labels on the relationship between organic foods labels and attitude towards organic foods. This study collected 411 samples from Vietnamese respondents. The results indicated that organic foods labels have positive and significant effect on perceived food safety and attitude towards organic foods. Furthermore, perceived food safety and attitude towards organic foods partially mediate the relationship between organic foods labels and organic foods purchases. Finally, the study showed that revealed information and organic foods knowledge moderate the relationship between organic foods labels and attitude towards organic foods while skepticism on organic labels has no moderating effect. This finding contributes to improving the understanding of organic foods purchases formation, particularly in the developing country.
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
Content of Figures v
Content of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Motivations 1
1.3 Research Questions and Objectives 3
1.4 Research Gap 4
1.5 Sampling Scope and Subjects 5
1.6 Research Procedure 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Stimulus Organism Response (S-O-R) Model 7
2.2 Organic Foods Labels (OL) 8
2.3 Perceived Food Safety (PFS) 8
2.4 Attitude towards Organic Foods (ATT) 9
2.5 Organic Food Purchases (OP) 9
2.6 Revealed Information (RI) 9
2.7 Organic Foods Knowledge (OK) 9
2.8 Skepticism on Organic Labels (SOL) 10
2.9 Hypothesis Development 10
Chapter 3 Methodology 15
3.1 Research Framework and Hypotheses 15
3.2 Operational Definitions and Measures 16
3.3 Questionnaire Design 21
3.4 Data Collection 22
3.5 Data Analysis Method 22

3.6 Common Method Variance 24
3.7 Pilot Test Results 24
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 29
4.1 Formal Survey 29
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 29
4.3 Common Method Variance 33
4.4 Validity and Reliability Analysis 34
4.5 Structural Model 40
4.6 The Mediation Effects 43
4.7 The Moderation Effects 45
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 51
5.1 Research Conclusion 51
5.2 Research and Managerial Implications 53
5.3 Research Limitations and Future Research Suggestions 54
References 57
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