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作者(英文):Yun-Shan Huang
論文名稱(英文):Application of KANO model and Importance to Explore Service Quality Improvement Strategy on Shopping Malls ─ A Case Study of a Shopping Mall in Hualien
指導教授(英文):Chih-Peng Chu
Cheng-Chieh Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Service qualityKANO modelImportance-Performance Analysis
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從消費者的角度思考服務品質已是被廣泛探討的研究領域,在衡量服務品質的研究方法中,多數以重要度─表現度分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)或是KANO二維品質模式作為分析工作,由於近年學者提出單一使用這兩種模式分析皆有其缺失及問題,因此,本研究將應用KANO二維品質模式為分析主軸,考量該商場的營運時間較短,及變動性大,故另針對服務項目的重要性判定各服務品質的屬性,依據各項目決定優先改善順序,提出可行性的策略建議,以提供新興商場未來針對服務品質的規劃方向,使其經營管理更有效率及競爭力。
Hualien has always been an important tourism county in Taiwan. Due to the flourishing tourism industry, the economic industry in the county is also centered on the service industry. After many years, a second large shopping mall appears inside. Therefore, how to seize the hearts of consumers, in addition to its sales items, this study wants to explore the quality of its services on the impact of customers.

Thinking about service quality from the perspective of consumers has been widely explored in research fields. In the research methods of specific service quality, most of the research methods of specific service quality use the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) or KANO model as the analysis work. It is proposed that the single use of these two modes of analysis has its shortcomings and problems. Therefore, this study will use the KANO model as the main analysis axis to consider the operating time of the mall and, while the mobility is large, other services are required in advance. Determine the attributes of each service quality, determine the priority improvement order according to each project, and put forward feasible strategic suggestions to provide future planning directions for service quality of emerging shopping malls, so as to achieve operational management efficiency and competitiveness.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第三章 研究方法 15
第四章 資料分析 21
第五章 結論與建議 37
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