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作者(英文):Yu-Chun Liu
論文名稱(英文):Rebirth of Enterprise: The Way of Value Reconstruction
指導教授(英文):Po-Yuan Chen
口試委員(英文):Kuo-I Chang
Wan-Chun Liao
關鍵詞(英文):bricolageresource-base viewcorporate regeneration
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Market demand and shifting competitive environments may eliminate corporate products or make them obsolete. Outdated products can still be driven out of the market, even if its original resources have value. The core resources or resource combinations that old corporations develop during its many years of operation can entrap the enterprise into the core rigidity trap. Under such limitations, old corporations direly need to reconstruct resource value. The situation in which old corporations holding on to resources with depreciating value is a resource-deficient scenario in the theory of bricolage. This study uses the theory of bricolage as basis to analyze how old corporations under limitations can recognize the value of original resources? Also, how can a product's value of original resources be reconstructed? This research took the case study observation approach combined with theoretical analysis and found that rich social values are still attached to the original resources of outdated products. Therefore, it is possible to use the abundant surplus of social values to supplant the deficiencies in real worth, and make use of the advantages during the construction of society. The method can set in motion the physical construction of the value of original resources. Old corporations limited by core rigidity and influenced by path dependence can use external stakeholders to obtain clues for the reconstruction of the value of original resources. Also, this study discussed the function of history as a resource that old corporations could deploy in the social construct project. Historical significance can provide supplemental value to original resources, and further augmented by symbolism and clustering. This study found that there may be clashes between historical significance and product impression, and solutions to this issue are provided through contextual analyses of the case study. This study contributes to the connection between the theory of bricolage and the resource-based view, thereby providing a framework for resource value reconstruction. Also, the study's original aim to find a solution to case management problems can provide old corporations with a path to resolve the challenges that they face.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 9
第三章 研究方法 19
第四章 研究結果 29
第五章 結論與討論 49
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