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作者:Ratna Ayu Widyaningrum
作者(英文):Ratna Ayu Widyaningrum
論文名稱:The Influence of Consumers’ Attitudes toward Celebrity on Their Purchase Intentions
論文名稱(英文):The Influence of Consumers’ Attitudes toward Celebrity on Their Purchase Intentions
指導教授(英文):Wen Hai Chih
口試委員(英文):Chung Hung Tsai
Cheng I Chu
關鍵詞(英文):CongruityFanaticismIdol AttachmentAttitude toward CelebrityPurchase Intention
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Thesis Title: The Influence of Consumers’ Attitudes toward Celebrity on Their Purchase Intentions
Graduate School and University: Master Program in International Business at National Dong Hwa University
Category of Abstract and Graduation Time: Thesis for Master’s Degree, Fall 2020
Graduate: Ratna Ayu Widyaningrum
Advisor: Dr. Chih, Wen-Hai
Celebrity has a significant influence to purchase intention. This research inspects the direct connection between congruity, attitude toward celebrity, and purchase intention. And it also picks fanaticism and idol attachment as the moderator. The study’s target is fans and fandom in Indonesia. Furthermore, this research employs three kind studies; political, sexual harassment, and LGBT issues. This research obtained 297, 250, and 259 samples tested by using SPSS and AMOS statistical applications. This study finds that attitude toward celebrity has a significant and positive affected on purchase intention and congruity. Purchase intention has positively directed effected by congruity. Therefore, this implies that the congruity of the fans has a positive effect on her/his purchase intention. The relationship between congruity and purchase intention thru attitude toward celebrity is the ideal method. Finally, the relationship between congruity and purchase intention by attitude toward celebrity also generates a similar result.
Keywords: Congruity, Fanaticism, Idol Attachment, Attitude toward Celebrity, Purchase Intention
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivations 2
1.3 Research Questions and Objectives 4
1.4 Research Gaps 5
1.5 Contributions of Study 5
1.6 Sampling Scope and Subjects 6
1.7 Research Procedure 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 Congruity 9
2.2 Celebrity 9
2.3 Idol Attachment 10
2.4 Fanaticism 11
2.5 Attitude toward Celebrity 11
2.6 Purchase Intention 12
2.7 The Relationship between Congruity and Attitude toward Celebrity 12
2.8 The Relationship between Attitude toward Celebrity and Purchase Intention 13
2.9 The Relationship among Attitude toward Celebrity, Congruity, and Purchase Intention 14
2.10 The Relationships among Fanaticism, Congruity, and Attitude toward Celebrity 14
2.11 The Relationships among Fanaticism, Congruity, and Attitude toward Celebrity 15
Chapter 3 Methodology 17
3.1 Research Frameworks and Hypotheses. 17
3.2 Operational Definitions and Measurement of Constructs 20
3.3 Questionnaire design 25
3.4 Data collection 26
3.5 Data Analysis Method 27
3.6 Common Method Variance 29
3.7 Pilot Study Results 29
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 33
4.1 Formal Survey 33
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 33
4. 3 Common Method Variance 51
4.4 Reliability and Validity Analysis 54
4.5 Structural Model 76
4.6 The Mediation Effect 83
4.7 Moderation Effect 86
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions 97
5.1 Research Conclusion 97
5.2 Research and Managerial Implications 98
5.3 Research Limitations 99
5.4 Future Research Suggestions 99
References 101
Appendix 1. Questionnaire of Pilot Test 112
Appendix 2. Questionnaire Sources 117
Appendix 3. Common Method Variance-Exploratory Factor Analysis 119
Appendix 4. Convergent Validity 120
Appendix 5. Correlation Matrix for Measurement Items 123
Appendix 6. Reliability Analysis 124

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