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作者:Dinarti Tarigan
作者(英文):Dinarti Tarigan
論文名稱:The Dual Mediator of Environmental Consciousness and Eco-labeling in the Relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Attitude toward Green Product
論文名稱(英文):The Dual Mediator of Environmental Consciousness and Eco-labeling in the Relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Attitude toward Green Product
指導教授(英文):Wen Hai Chih
口試委員(英文):Robert Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):Environmental KnowledgeEnvironmental ConsciousnessEco-labelingAttitude toward Green ProductWillingness to PayCognitive Affect Behavior
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Thesis Title: The Dual Mediator of Environmental Consciousness and Eco-labeling in the Relationship of Environmental Knowledge and Attitude toward Green Products.
Graduate School and University: Master Program in International Business at National Dong Hwa University
Category of Abstract and Graduation Time: Thesis for Master’s Degree, Spring 2020
Graduate: Dinarti Tarigan
Adviser: Dr Chih, Wen-Hai
Consumers’ attitude toward green product is formed and influenced by several factors. This study investigates the relationships among environmental knowledge, environmental consciousness, eco-labeling, attitude toward green product, and willingness to pay based on Cognitive Affect Behavior (C-A-B) model. This study targets consumers above 18 years old and collected 314 Indonesian participants. This study indicates that environmental knowledge has a significant and positive affect on attitude toward green product. Environmental knowledge has a significant and positive affect on environmental consciousness. Environmental knowledge has a significant and positive affect on eco-labeling. Furthermore, this study examines the relationships among environmental consciousness, eco-labeling, and attitude toward green product. Attitude toward green product has a significant and positive effect on willingness to pay. Finally, this study confirms that environmental consciousness and eco-labeling mediates the relationship between environmental knowledge and attitude toward green product.

Keywords: Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Consciousness, Eco-labeling, Attitude toward Green Product, Willingness to Pay, Cognitive Affect Behavior
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 2
1.3 Research Questions and Objectives 4
1.4 Research Gap 4
1.5 Sampling Scope and Subjects 6
1.6 Research Procedure 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 Cognitive Affect Behavior (C-A-B) Model 9
2.2 Environmental Knowledge (EK) 10
2.3 Environmental Consciousness (EC) 10
2.4 The relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Consciousness 11
2.5 Eco-labeling (EL) 11
2.6 The relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Eco-labeling 12
2.7 Attitude toward Green Product (ATT) 12
2.8The Relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Attitude toward Green Product 13
2.9 The Relationship between Environmental Consciousness and Eco-labeling 13
2.10 The Relationship between Environmental Consciousness and Attitude toward Green
Product 14
2.11 The Relationship between Eco-labeling and Attitude toward Green Product 14
2.12 Environmental Knowledge on Attitude toward Green Product through the Mediation of Environmental Consciousness 15
2.13 Environmental Knowledge on Attitude toward Green Product through the Mediation of Eco-labeling 15
2.14 Environmental Consciousness on Attitude toward Green Product through the Mediation of Eco-labeling 16

2.15 Willingness to Pay More for Green Product (WTP) 16
2.16 The Relationship between Attitude toward Green Product (ATT) and Willingness to Pay More for Green Product (WTP) 17
Chapter 3 Methodology 19
3.1 Research Framework and Hypotheses 19
3.2 Operational Definitions and Measures 21
3.3 Questionnaire Design 25
3.4 Data Collection 26
3.5 Data Analysis Method 27
3.6 Common Method Variance 29
3.7 Pilot Study Results 30
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 35
4.1 Formal Survey 35
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 35
4.3 Common Method Variance 39
4.4 Reliability and Validity Analysis 39
4.5 Structural Model 46
4.6 The Mediation Effect 51
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 55
5.1 Research Conclusion 55
5.2 Research and Managerial Implications 57
5.3 Research Limitations and Future Research Suggestions 59
References 61
Appendix 1: Pilot Test 69
Appendix 2: Questionnaire Sources 69
Appendix 3: Common Method Variance – Exploratory Factor Analysis 78
Appendix 4: Convergent Validity 79
Appendix 5: Correlation Matrix for Measurement Items 81
Appendix 6: Reliability Analysis 78
Appendix 7: Formal Questionnaire 80
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