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作者(英文):Ting-Hsuan Hsu
論文名稱(英文):Research on Expanding Chinese Emotional Lexicon for Marketing Recommendation Analysis
指導教授(英文):Jia-Li Hou
口試委員(英文):Lin-Yai Tang
Ying-Ho Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Sentiment AnalysisEmotion LexiconNaïve BayesK-Nearest Neighbor AlgorithmSupport Vector Machine
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本論文以中文多語境情感詞彙分析研究(凃欣妤, 2018)所整理的情感辭典為基礎加入北京清華大學李軍建構的中文褒貶意詞典以及元智大學禹良治教授建構的中文維度型情感詞典進行擴充,以京東商城及Mobile 01中的評論作為中文簡體及繁體的實驗語料,並使用支持向量機、K-近鄰演算法及Naïve Bayes三種演算法進行情感分類,以此來分析透過不同語境下的中文情感辭典在結合後是否能夠更正確的分析語句情緒。實驗結果表明結合不同語境下的情感辭典可以改善情感分類的結果,提高正確率,使得正確率達到97%。
In the sentiment analysis, the emotion lexicon plays a very important role. There are many sentiment analysis studies and emotion lexicons are established. Chinese is divided into Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. And due to different cultural in various regions. If only based on single emotion lexicon, the result of sentiment analysis may not be as expected.

Based on the emotion lexicon compiled by Analysis of Sentiment Vocabulary in Chinese Multilingualism (Tu Xinyu, 2018), this thesis expand the lexicon by adding the Chinese dictionary constructed by Beijing Tsinghua University and Chinese Valence-Arousal Words constructed by Professor Yan Liangzhi of Yuanzhi University. The experimental corpus is from the comments in Jingdong and Mobile 01. Using support vector machine, K-nearest neighbor algorithm and Naïve Bayes algorithm as the model of sentiment analysis.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 情感分析 (Sentiment Analysis) 5
2.2 情感辭典 6
2.3 CKIP 8
2.4 Jieba 9
2.5 Word2Vec 10
2.6 K-近鄰演算法(K Nearest Neighbor, KNN) 11
2.7 單純貝氏分類法Naïve Bayes(NB) 11
2.8 支持向量機分類方法(Support Vector Machines, SVM) 12
2.9 ROC曲線(Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) 12
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1 實驗流程 15
3.2 中文情感辭典 16
3.3 語料收集 17
3.4 文本預處理 19
3.5 獲取特徵詞向量 21
第四章 實驗結果 23
4.1 實驗資料說明 23
4.2 實驗一 23
4.3 實驗二 33
4.4 實驗三 37
4.5 實驗四 38
4.6 實驗五 41
第五章 結論 43
第六章 未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 47

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