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作者(英文):Yan-Zhe Huang
論文名稱(英文):An Optimization Model for the Electric Power Company Logistics in Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
口試委員(英文):Yat-wah Wan
Feng-Ming Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):vehicle routing problemheterogeneous vehicle routing problemdata grouping
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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本研究以我國某電力公司之物料配送路線規劃為研究標的,並以該電力公司第一階層至第二階層之物流網路為研究範圍,以實際資料作為分析,並設計六種種情境來探討。本研究問題為一車輛途程問題。車輛途程問題已被證實為一個NP-hard問題 (Lenstra and Kan,1981),隨著節點數的增加,求解的時間呈現指數性的成長,增加求解的時間以及困難度。為簡化本研究問題的複雜度以增進求解效率,以符合實務上的運作,本研究將採取「先分群,後路線」的方法,並提出四階段求解法來規劃個案電力公司料件之配送模式。第一階段為劃分兩儲運中心的配送範圍,各區處的輕重料件訂單由其所屬的儲運中心進行配送。第二階段本研究提出四個分群模型,進行儲運中心配送範圍內區處分群。第三階段進行群集調整,本研究根據情境設計的不同,提出四個調整演算法,以求得更佳的結果。第四階段進行各群集路線建構,此階段將視為旅行銷售員問題以求解。
Logistics is the battlefield for enterprises nowadays. No matter it is a private enterprise or a state-owned enterprise, they all hopes to obtain benefits by reducing logistics costs. Transportation is an important part of logistics activities. According to statistics, transportation costs account for an average of 44% of logistics costs, accounting for a large proportion of total logistics costs. Therefore, we can infer that if the transportation network is properly planned, it will greatly reduce transportation costs, increase profits and enhance competitive advantage for corporation.
This study focus on the material distribution route planning of a power company in Taiwan, and takes the logistics network from the first to the second level of the power company as the research scope.Take the actual data to analylze, and designs six kinds of situations to explore. The problem of this research is about vehicle route problem. The vehicle routing problem has been proven as an NP-hard problem (Lenstra and Kan, 1981). When the number of nodes increases, the solution time grows rapidly, and it is more difficult to solve the problem. In order to simplify the complexity of the research and improve the efficiency, in order to meet the practical operation, this study will adopt the method called “Cluster first, route second” and propose a four-stage method to plan the distribution mode of the case power company. The first stage is to divide the distribution scope of the two logistics centers. In the second stage, this study proposes four clustering models for grouping within the distribution area of the logistics center. In the third stage, cluster adjustment is carried out. According to the different situation, this study proposes four adjustment algorithms to obtain better results. The fourth phase is to construct each cluster route, which will be considered as a travel salesman problem to solve.
The result reveals that the distribution mode proposed in this study is better than the current distribution mode in terms of indicators of total travel distances and total ton-kilometer . It represents that the distribution mode proposed in this study can solve the high transportation costs problem of the case company.
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究範圍與對象 5
1.4研究流程 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1車輛途程問題(Vehicle Routing Problem ,VRP) 9
2.1.1車輛途程問題之定義 9
2.1.2車輛途程問題之類型 12
2.2多車種車輛途程問題(HVRP) 14
2.2.1多車種車輛途程問題之定義與分類 14
2.2.2多車種車輛途程問題之定義 15
2.3車輛途程問題之求解方法 16
2.3.1車輛途程問題之方法論類別 16
2.3.2常見之傳統啟發式演算法 18
2.4車輛途程問題相關文獻回顧 23
2.4.1.單一車種之車輛途程問題 23
2.4.2.多車種之車輛途程問題 23
2.5先分群,後路徑 25
2.6小節與求解方法 30
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1研究問題 31
3.1.1問題定義 32
3.1.2求解工具 32
3.2基本假設與限制 33
3.2.1基本假設 33
3.2.2限制條件 34
3.3模型建立與求解流程 35
第四章 案例分析 61
4.1索羅門測試例題 61
4.1.1測試數值設定 61
4.1.2測試例題之分群結果與路線 63
4.2個案電力公司實際配送路網 68
4.2.1個案電力公司路網設計 70
4.2.2個案電力公司直送及分群結果 84
4.2.3不同車種之配送結果比較 115
4.3配送模式比較 117
4.3.1推估個案電力公司在現行配送模式下之總行駛距離 117
4.3.2本研究配送模式與現行個案電力公司配送模式比較 131
第五章 結論與建議 139
5.1結論 139
5.2管理意涵 141
5.3未來研究 143
參考文獻 145
附錄 149

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