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作者(英文):Shi-An Lin
論文名稱(英文):Incorporating Cargo Loading Feasibility into a B2B Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
口試委員(英文):Feng-Ming Tsai
Yat-Wah Wan
關鍵詞(英文):3L-CVRPloading problemB2BSimulated annealing algorithm.
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本研究以L個案物流公司之B2B(Business to Business)業務為例,協助改善裝載可行性之課題。B2B商品特性為種類繁多,且每一顧客的貨品之件數、重量以及體積皆有明顯差異(如電視機、冰箱、手機、記憶卡等)。在學術研究上,經典車輛途程問題CVRP(Capacitated Vehicle routing problem)較不易完整呈現現實的配送裝載問題。本研究亦發現近年來有許多研究陸續探討加入裝載限制條件的車輛途程問題,將裝載問題Bin packing problem(BPP)等與CVRP問題作結合,但以實際數據實作的研究較少,商品種類也相對簡單。故本研究以個案公司之實際輸配送資料,以模擬退火演算法(Simulated annealing algorithm)尋找僅考慮總重量及總體積的初始解,搭配CargoWiz裝載軟體的輔助,以最小化車輛使用數為目標,提出一系列啟發式求解法來解決考量裝載可行性之車輛途程問題。實測結果證明方法可行,本研究亦針對結果分析貨品裝載的各項特性。
In the supply chain management, the cost of transporting the cargo was account for a large part in the operation process. The efficiency distribution planning not only can save the cost, but also to increase the customer satisfaction. However, distribution planning was much difficult in practice, especially in the loading problem. Three dimensional loading is an NP-hard problem. In the logistics company, they always face to a plight that they cannot load cargos into a specific vehicle completely, so that the workers have to reload again or use extra vehicle. In the past, we just consider the limit of weight or capacity of vehicle in CVRP problem, the results were hard to be executed in the real situation, and probably increased the extra operation cost and time.
The main idea of this paper was to solve the 3L-CVRP problem by the proposed heuristics algorithms, based on “Routing first- Packing second” strategy. We used simulated annealing algorithm to find an initial solution of the improved CVRP problem and solve the loading problem based on CargoWiz software. The object was to minimize the number of vehicle used.
And we took the real data of a B2B (Business to Business) logistics company for instance in this paper, that was rarely seem in before. The characteristics of B2B cargos were a wide variety and the qualities were so much different. Eventually, we found feasible solutions by the methods we proposed. The logistics company can follow our methods to make a distribution plan in advance to avoid the loading infeasibility.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究範圍 4
1.4研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1車輛途程問題 7
2.1.1車輛途程問題之定義 7
2.1.2車輛途程問題之求解方法 8
2.1.3 模擬退火演算法 10
2.2容器裝載問題 14
2.2.1容器裝載問題之定義 14
2.2.2 C&P問題之常見類型 18
2.2.3容器裝載問題之求解方法 20
2.3考量裝載可行性之車輛途程問題 24
2.3.1 3L-CVRP之問題定義 24
2.3.2 3L-CVRP之求解方法 30
2.4 小結 33
第三章 研究方法 35
3.2模型建構 36
3.2.1模型假設 36
3.2.2情境模擬 38
3.3求解方法 39
3.3.1 Routing-產生初始路線 39
3.3.2 Packing-嘗試裝載 39
3.3.3 Fixing-路線合併 44
3.3.4求解方法流程圖 47
第四章 案例分析 49
4.1公開範例測試 49
4.1.1第一階段-產生初始路線(公開範例) 61
4.1.2第二階段-嘗試裝載(公開範例) 67
4.1.3第三階段-路線合併(公開範例) 76
4.1.4 小結(公開範例) 90
4.2 實際案例測試 96
4.2.1 實際案例:案例一 97
4.2.2 實際案例:案例二 112
4.2.3 小結(實際案例) 130
4.3 總結 137
第五章 結論與建議 139
5.1 結論與管理意涵 139
5.2 未來研究建議 141
參考文獻 143

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