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作者(英文):Jing-Jie Wang
論文名稱(英文):The effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on effect of national regulatory authority IASB members on accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries. accounting quality: evidence from IASB members’ countries.
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ren Yao
口試委員(英文):Jia-Ling Li
Chia-Hui Chen
Wei-Ren Yao
關鍵詞(英文):International Accounting Standard BoardInternational Financial Reporting StandardPersonal Regulatory ExperienceAccounting Quality
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This objective of this paper is to examine whether the background of national regulatory authority of IASB members affects accounting quality. Extant literature suggests that personal work experience of FASB members is related to the quality of the accounting standards. The research sample is from the IASB member countries during 2005 to 2018. Empirical results show that, first, the discretionary accrual will significant decline when the IASB members from the country possess the experience as a national regulator. Second, if the IASB members possess the regulatory experience and are also identified as accounting expert, the extent of the quality increase will more intense. Our results imply that the personal characteristic of members is one of the most significant factors in this field.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧與假說發展 3
第三章 研究設計 9
第四章 實證結果 13
第五章 額外測試 15
第六章 結論 17
參考文獻 19
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