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作者(英文):Yi-Zhun Wu
論文名稱:研發資本化與後續研發投資效率之關聯: 論自由現金流量之影響
論文名稱(英文):The Relationship Between R&D Capitalization and Subsequent R&D Investment Efficiency: The Effect of Free Cash Flow.
指導教授(英文):Chia-Hui Chen
口試委員(英文):Chia-Ling Lee
Wei-Ren Yao
關鍵詞(英文):R&D capitalizationinvestment efficiencyfree cash flow
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  In the ever-changing era of technology, the products and services provided by enterprises should keep up with the times. Especially the software industry is fiercely competitive. It is inevitable to invest in R&D and innovation. The management should carefully assess the investment plan and avoid the failure of R&D projects and cause companies to be out of the market However, the accounting treatment of R&D expenditure has always been a controversial issue. Supporters of R&D capitalization regard that management will cut R&D expenses to manipulate financial figures, which will lead to insufficient R&D investment, but the other scholars believe that R&D capitalization is not perfect. Capitalization has led management to reluctant to abandon project although the high risk of failure, making the project over-investment. However, the company's funds are limited, considering for the higher external financing costs, the firms should maximize the investment efficiency of the limited resources within the enterprise. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the correlation between R&D capitalization and subsequent R&D over-investment. Using the sample of U.S. software firms from 2003 to .2017. The results show that capitalizing firms are prone to over-investment. In addition, the study further indicates that the company with the higher level of free cash flow, the more positive correlation between R&D capitalization and subsequent over-investment.

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