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作者(英文):Man-Hsun Hsu
論文名稱(英文):Study of the Danungdafu plantation sapflow by Arduino-based heat dissipation probe system
指導教授(英文):Shih-Chieh Chang
口試委員(英文):Yue-Joe Hsia
Hou-sen Chu
關鍵詞(英文):transpirationsapflowlowland plantationheat dissipation methodhysteresisArduino
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研究結果顯示,樟樹、光臘樹與台灣櫸的樹液流速分別介於0-216、0-344和0-139 cm3 m-2 s-1,且樹液流速與樹種及胸高直徑不具相關性。樹液流速與環境因子的迴歸分析結果顯示,樹液流速與大氣溫度、淨輻射量、飽和水蒸氣壓差與風速呈正相關;樹液流速與相對溼度則呈負相關。進一步的冗餘分析(Redundancy Analysis)結果則顯示,樹液流速的主要環境控制因子依序為飽和水蒸氣壓差、淨輻射量和相對溼度。

本研究以Penman-Monteith 估算潛勢蒸發散量(Potential evapotranspiration,PET),並與實際量測的樹液流速進行比較。結果顯示樟樹與光臘樹的樹液流速隨著PET上升而線性上升,台灣櫸的樹液流速則在達到一個PET閥值後趨緩上升。此結果暗示著,樟樹及光臘樹較台灣櫸能承受更高的水分散失逆境。

The implementation of the government's afforestation policy in 2002 has turned many abandoned farmlands into plantations. Among them, Da-Nong-Da-Fu Plain Forest in Hualien County, Guangfu Township, is surrounded by many agricultural settlements. To what extent the hydrological system of the agricultural landscape will be influenced by the afforestation, remains an important scientific and practical question. In this study, sapflow of three common broadleaved tree species, Cinnamomum camphor, Zelkova serrata and Fraxinus griffithii, were investigated from June 1st to December 17th, 2020 for understanding transpiration and its controlling mechanisms in the Da-Nong-Da-Fu Plain Forest. Self-made heat dissipation sapflow measurement systems were employed, which consist of probes based on Granier's original design, and an Arduino-based controlling and logging system.

The results showed that, the sapflow rate of Cinnamomum camphora, Zelkova serrata and Fraxinus griffithii were between 0-216、0-344 and 0-139 cm3 m-2 s-1, respectively. The sapflow rate was not correlated with tree species and tree's breast height diameter. Sapflow rate was positively correlated with air temperature, net radiation, vapour pressure deficit, and wind speed; and was negatively correlated with relative humidity. Results of redundancy analysis further showed that the main controlling factors for sapflow rate were vapour pressure deficit, net radiation, and relative humidity.

The sapflow rate was analyzed against the potential evapotranspiration (PET) calculated by Penman-Monteith equation. The results showed that the sapflow rate of Cinnamomum camphora and Zelkova serrata increased linearly with the increase of PET, while the sapflow rate of Fraxinus griffithii only slowly increased after reaching a PET threshold. This result suggests that, Cinnamomum camphora and Zelkova serrata might overcome higher water stress than Fraxinus griffithii.

Hysteresis in the diurnal variation of sapflow rate, indicating that under the same environmental conditions, the sapflow rate in the morning is different from that in the afternoon. The sapflow rate and the VPD, air temperature displayed clockwise hysteresis loops, that is, the sapflow rate in the morning was higher than that in the afternoon.On the contrary, the sap flow rate and the net radiation displayed anti-clockwise hysteresis loops, that is, the sapflow rate in the afternoon was higher than that in the morning. Hysteresis analysis of sapflow rate against PET showed anti-clockwise hysteresis loops. As PET approximately represents the abiotic driving forces of transpiration, the hysteresis between sapflow rate and PET indicates a significant biological control in transpiration. By calculating the area within hysteresis loops, the extent of daily hysteresis was quantified. The results showed that the degree of hysteresis was decreasing from June to December, and the daily maximum sapflow rate was positively correlated with the degree of hysteresis, in which Zelkova serrata owned the highest correlation coefficient.

The sapflow rates measured in this study were within the ranges in the literature. However, the calculation of sapflow rate from the two-needle temperature difference was from the Granier's formula, which has recently been proven for incorrect for several tree species.This represents a potential measurement uncertainty of this study. The calibration of Granier's formula would be necessary for the local tree species. According to the different reaction patterns of sapflow rate to PET, a further investigation on the biological control of transpiration would be important. The hydraulic characteristics of tree species like the stomatal conductance, xylem hydraulic conductivity, water potential, and water storage capacity of tree trunks, could be focused on in the further research.
1. 前言 1
1.1 蒸散作用的重要性 2
1.2 蒸散作用的影響因子 4
1.3 蒸散作用的量測—樹液流速法 7
1.4 研究動機與目的 9

2.材料與方法 11
2.1 樹液流熱消散系統 11
2.1.1 探針感應器的製作 12
2.1.2 資料紀錄器(datalogger)的製作 16
2.1.3 樹液流熱消散系統的架設流程 20
2.1.4 樹液流熱消散系統的故障問題 22
2.1.5 樹液流熱消散系統的量測成果—樹液流速之計算 22
2.2 研究樣區 25
2.2.1 樣區介紹 25
2.2.2 氣象及環境因子 27
2.3 樣樹的基本資料 28
2.4 樹液流速的資料分析 30
2.4.1 樹液流速的數據處理 30
2.4.2 資料分析 32

3. 結果 33
3.1 15棵樣樹的樹液流速資料 33
3.2 15棵樣樹的樹液流速與樹種、胸高直徑的關係 35
3.3 樹液流速與環境因子的關係 38
3.4 樹液流速與潛勢蒸發散量的關係 44
3.5 樹液流速與環境因子的遲滯現象 46

4. 討論 53
4.1 熱消散法的限制與誤差 53
4.2 15樣樹的樹液流速與樹種、胸高直徑的關係 54
4.3 樹液流速的遲滯現象 57

5. 結論 61

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