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作者(英文):Yao-Hung Liu
論文名稱(英文):The Normal Faults in the Northern Central Range: The study of Nanshan Earthquake characteristic
指導教授(英文):Wen-Yen Chang
口試委員(英文):Yi-Heng Li
Strong Wen
Chun-Hsiang Kuo
關鍵詞(英文):Nanshan EarthquakeFocal Mechanismsrelocation
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On March 7, 2013, an earthquake (ML5.87) occurred in junction of Hualien, Yilan and Taichung, is called the Nanshan Earthquake by CWB. Since November 2011, there have been earthquake signs of activity in the area, and until after November 2015. The long-term seismic activity and clusters of earthquakes at different locations indicate that the seismic events in this area are not composed of a single main shock and the numerous aftershocks.
The time of Nanshan earthquake coincided with the start of the Plate Boundary Joint Observation Seismic Network. There has a dense seismic observation network of north Central Mountains range. In this study, the waveform data onto 23 stations from the PBSN, Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network, and Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology, were used to analyze the seismic catalogue by CWB from four earthquake sequences which ML ≧ 4.5, and ML ≧ 2 earthquake, to do picking new arrival, location, relocation and focal mechanism solutions.
The data results show that there are several independent rupture planes in this area. The seismic depth is between 4 and 9 km, extended along the NNW-SSE direction, and on a 50˚ to 60˚ WWS-dipping plane. The most of focal mechanism is normal fault. The stress from the focal mechanism is NE-SW extensional, different NW-SE extensional in Yilan Plain or NW-SE compressive in Longitudinal Valley.
By References from GPS studies, we know there has a clockwise rotation rate of northern Central Mountain Range. So we think the source of regional stress is the extensional stress generated by the stratum stretching at the bending edge when the mountain is bent. By to study, we think there have some different fault plane in this region, the long-term seismic activity because of time of earthquake at fault planes are different.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 南山地震群簡介 4

第二章 研究區域概況 7
2.1 區域地質概況 7
2.2 區域周邊地體構造 10
2.3 造山帶內正斷層來源之研究 11
2.4 區域歷史事件 14

第三章 研究方法 17
3.1 地震網介紹與資料選取 17
3.2 軟體介紹與初步定位 21
3.3 研究區域一維速度模型逆推 27
3.4 地震新定位 29
3.5 震源機制解 29
3.5.1震源機制解的求取 32

第四章 研究結果 35
4.1 到時挑選、初步定位與重定位結果 35
4.1.1 到時挑選結果 36
4.1.2 初步定位結果與一維速度模型反演 41
4.1.3 聯合震源定位法重定位結果與結果比較 44
4.1.4 本研究與氣象局之結果比較 46
4.2 震源機制解結果 48

第五章 討論 53
5.1 地震時序分析 53
5.2 區域走時殘差分析 58
5.3震源剖面與區域應力來源 61
5.4 長時間的地震活動原因與大規模事件發生之可能性 65

第六章 結論 67

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