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作者(英文):Tien-Pai Tseng
論文名稱(英文):Exploring residents' heterogeneous preference for community participation toward sustainable forest management under community resilience theory
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Hai-Yin Wu
Yue-Joe Hsia
關鍵詞(英文):Sustainable forest managementCommunity resilienceCommunity capital frameworkChoice experiment
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永續森林經營(Sustainable forest management, SFM)需要森林經營者與當地社區的參與,才能達成適應性經營(Adaptive management)中,有關跨領域溝通的概念。本研究以花蓮縣的四個社區為主,應用社區資本(Community capitals, CCs)的想法,以及四個社區韌性(Community resilience, CR)構念(concept)。以選擇試驗法(Choice experiment, CE)為研究方法,在適應性經營概念下,設計五個屬性分別為:「感知森林資源變化」、「傳承傳統文化的能力」、「掌握森林資源權利」、「對森林資源的管理」,及「居民願付勞動(Willingness to work, WTW)」。用以探究居民對社區參與SFM的異質性偏好,並估算在適應性經營框架下,不同「永續森林經營方案」的經濟福利效果(Welfare effects)。此外在同一適應性經營框架下,採用重要表現分析(Importance-performance analysis, IPA),以此研究方法建構SFM八指標,調查居民認為SFM的重要性,與對當前森林經營的表現度。再配合居民的社會經濟背景與對SFM的認知,解釋IPA的分析結果。

本研究的實證結果顯示:(1)以社區韌性理論建立SFM偏好的評估模式,已通過隨機參數羅吉特(Random parameter logit; RPL)模型的配適度檢定(Goodness of fit, GOF),換言之,本研究以適應性經營框架的評估模式,能評估居民對社區參與SFM的行動方案偏好。(2)居民對SFM具有顯著的異質性偏好(Hetergeneity preference),且在樂舞文化、傳統文化工作坊、主產物採集權利、生態監測、社區巡守隊及願付勞力的偏好具有明顯的差異。(3)潛在類別模型(Latent Class Model; LCM)進一步劃分出兩個SFM偏好群體,並發現其在社會經濟背景與SFM認知上的差異。(4) IPA的分析結果顯示,「提供森林水資源」及「森林管理制度重視勞工之權利」為目前較具有優勢的SFM指標,至於「主動舉辦疏伐說明會與討論」及「疏伐作業對周遭環境的影響」則為急需改善的SFM指標。(5)整體而言,原住民在SFM指標的重要性平均值高於漢人,尤其在「主動舉辦疏伐說明會與討論」及「提供打獵採集等豐富資源」兩項指標上。(6)本研究發現將「林管處護管員」、「傳統文化工作坊」、「主產物採集權利」及「社區巡守隊」等屬性所建構的「適應性共同管理方案」所獲得的福利效果,顯著高於「傳統文化治理方案」及「森林保護方案」。
Sustainable forest management requires both forest manager and residents working together to achieve interdisciplinary communication in adaptive management. This study focuses on the four local communities (resident areas) in Hualien County(Taiwan), applying the ideas of community capitals(CCs), and the four community resilience(CR) concept. By using choice experiment(CE) theory as the research method, five attributes are included in the adaptive management conceptual framework for this study: "Perception of forest resources associated with change"; "Perception of the ability to inherit traditional culture"; "Perception of the ability to cope right to use forest resources"; "Level of interest in forest management" and "Residents’ willingness to work(WTW)". This is to explore residents’ heterogeneous preference for community participation in SFM and estimate the economic welfare effects of different “SFM plans” under this framework. In addition, under the same conceptual framework, using Importance-performance analysis (IPA) as a research method to construct SFM indicators, in order to investigate the importance of SFM and the performance of current forest management by resident's. Resident's cognitive differences in SFM indicators are analyzed based on their socio-economic background and SFM perception.

The empirical results of this study show that: (1) The evaluation model of SFM preferences established based on community resilience theory has passed the Goodness of fit (GOF) test from the Random parameter logit (RPL) model. In other words, this study uses conceptual framework of adaptive management to evaluate residents’ preference for participating in SFM action plans. (2) Residents have a significant heterogeneous preference for SFM, and there are obvious differences in the preferences of “Music-dance culture”, “Traditional cultural workshops”, “Timber forest products collection rights”, “Environmental monitoring”, “Community patrol”, and “Willingness to work”. (3) The Latent Class Model (LCM) used in this study further divided two SFM preference groups, and found that their socioeconomic background and SFM perception are different. (4) IPA’s analysis results show that “Providing forest water resources” and “Forest managers care about labor rights” are more advantageous SFM indicators. As for "Organizing logging discussion meeting" and "The environmental impact of logging" are the SFM indicators that are in urgent need of improvement. (5) Generally speaking, the indigenous people have higher awareness in the importance of the SFM indicators compared to the Han people, especially in the indicators of "Organizing logging discussion meeting" and "Providing forest resources such as hunting and foraging"; (6) Out of three plans, "Co-management plan" strikes out as it shows the highest welfare effect in order to carry out SFM.
第一章 緒論 1
研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 永續森林經營與社區韌性之關聯及其定義 4
第二節 社區韌性與社區資本評估架構 8
第三章 研究場域 11
第一節 花蓮林區管理處 11
第二節 研究場域社區 13
第四章 研究方法 15
第一節 重要表現程度分析 15
第二節 選擇實驗法 19
第三節 問卷設計與抽樣設計 29
第四節 敘述統計 38
第五章 居民對社區永續森林經營中的異質性偏好探討 44
第一節 居民與永續森林經營之利益關係比較 45
第二節 社區於永續森林經營重要與表現程度分析 53
第三節 居民在社區永續森林經營的異質性偏好分析 65
第四節 居民對社區永續森林經營類別偏好分析 71
第六章 結論與建議 81
第一節 結論 81
第二節 建議 84
參考文獻 85
附錄1 以社區韌性與社區資本分析與社區居民之訪談內容 94
附錄2 前測問卷 108
附錄3 正式問卷 110
附錄4 居民對永續森林經營偏好直交設計原始表 113
附錄5 居民對永續森林經營偏好屬性層級提升與現況方案 114
附錄6 居民對永續森林經營偏好問卷51版本與18方案對照表 115
附錄7 四個社區利益關係人談論內容 116
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