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作者(英文):Yi-Hsuan Tung
論文名稱:聚丙烯微塑膠纖維於中南美白對蝦(Penaeus vannamei)攝入後之宿命及對行為影響
論文名稱(英文):The fate of ingested polypropylene microplastic fibers and its behavioral effect in whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)
指導教授(英文):Te-Hao Chen
口試委員(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
Te-Hao Chen
Ruei-Feng Shiu
關鍵詞(英文):plastic microfiberPenaeus vannameianimal behaviordegradationretention
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微塑膠汙染遍布全球海洋環境,其中多數為纖維型態的二級微塑膠,過去對生物危害的相關研究多以球型微塑膠作為實驗材料,微塑膠纖維對生物影響的研究仍相當有限。本研究以海洋中常見之聚丙烯微塑膠纖維作為實驗材料,探討底棲雜食甲殼類之中南美白對蝦(Penaeus vannamei,俗稱白蝦)在長期攝入微塑膠纖維後的活動力行為影響與體內累積情形,以及白蝦的消化過程是否會加速微塑膠纖維破碎或改變其宿命。纖維以不同濃度混合於食物中進行暴露,分別為不含纖維的控制組、與三種纖維濃度實驗組(50、500及5000 個/克),並依照實驗需求將纖維預先以尼羅紅螢光染劑染色以利於後續分析觀察。結果顯示,白蝦攝入高濃度微塑膠後能在正常進食條件下於12小時內排出約99%的纖維,並在30小時內排出幾乎所有纖維,不會殘留於消化道內。攝食與消化的過程皆不會造成纖維的破碎,電子顯微鏡下觀察未發現纖維表面的損傷,不同消化道階段的纖維尺寸分布亦沒有顯著差異,消化道構造不會造成特定尺寸纖維的停留,消化過程也不會加速纖維的破碎。不同纖維濃度的14天長期暴露研究中,總游動距離、游泳時間比例、最大泳速等三項活動力行為參數與控制組相比皆無顯著差異,顯示暴露纖維不會影響白蝦的活動力。隨後的組織解剖分析結果顯示微塑膠纖維並不會累積在消化道及鰓等組織內。總結而言,攝入微塑膠纖維不會影響白蝦的消化過程與活動力,白蝦的攝入也不會加速纖維破碎,但將其包覆於排遺中可能會改變微塑膠在天然環境中的宿命。
Global marine environments are under the threat of microplastics, most of which are fiber-type secondary microplastics. Most previous studies on biological hazards used spherical microplastics as the experimental materials. Research on the biological effects of microplastic fibers is still very limited. This study aimed to investigate the egestion, accumulation, degradation, and behavioral effects of polypropylene microplastic fibers, commonly found in the marine environments, through dietary exposure in whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), a benthic omnivorous crustacean. For the exposure, microfibers were mixed in food at different concentrations (0, 50, 500, and 5000 pcs/g food). Fibers were pre-dyed with Nile Red fluorescent dyes to facilitate the subsequent analysis and observation. The results show that the whiteleg shrimps can excrete about 99% of fibers within 12 hours and almost all fibers within 30 hours under normal feeding conditions. Neither feeding nor digestion would cause fragmentation of the microfibers. No damage to the fiber surface was found under electron microscopy. There was no significant difference in fiber size distribution at different digestive tract stages. Digestive tract tectonics do not cause retention of fibers of specific sizes, and the digestion process does not cause degradation of fibers. After a 14-day exposure at different fiber concentrations, swimming behavior parameters including total swimming distance, swimming time ratio, and maximum swimming speed were not significantly different compared with the control group, suggesting that exposure to microfibers did not affect the activity of the white shrimps. Subsequent tissue anatomical analysis shows no accumulation of microfiber in the digestive tract and gill. In summary, ingestion of microplastic fibers does not affect the activity and digestion process of white shrimp. The ingestion process does not accelerate fiber degradation, but the encapsulation of microfibers in feces may change the fate of microplastics in natural environments.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖表目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1.1. 海洋微塑膠汙染 1
1.2. 微塑膠纖維 2
1.3. 生物攝入微塑膠 3
1.4. 實驗物種:中南美白對蝦 4
1.5. 行為生態毒理學研究 5
第二章 研究材料與方法 7
2.1. 實驗動物照顧 7
2.2. 微塑膠纖維製備 7
2.3. 尼羅紅(Nile Red)螢光染色 8
2.3.1 尼羅紅染劑配製 8
2.3.2 微塑膠纖維螢光染色 8
2.4. 微塑膠纖維暴露餌料製備 8
2.4.1 纖維濃度計算 8
2.4.2 餌料球製備 9
2.5. 暴露實驗設計 9
2.5.1 白蝦攝入PP微塑膠纖維於消化道停留時間 10
2.5.2 不同消化階段內纖維尺寸變化 11
2.5.3 不同濃度微塑膠纖維長期暴露下對白蝦行為之影響 11
2.5.4 不同濃度微塑膠纖維長期暴露下體內累積量 11
2.6. 實驗個體解剖 12
2.7. 組織與排遺消化、過濾 12
2.8. 纖維計數與型態分析 13
2.8.1 螢光顯微鏡觀察與纖維長度測量 13
2.8.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡纖維表面觀察 13
2.9. 行為紀錄與分析 14
2.10. 統計分析 15
2.11. 汙染控制 16
第三章 結果 17
3.1. PP微塑膠纖維與尼羅紅螢光染色 17
3.2. 微塑膠纖維於白蝦消化道內停留時間 19
3.3. 不同消化階段對纖維型態影響 21
3.4. 游泳行為分析 23
3.5. 長期暴露後體內纖維累積量 25
第四章 討論 27
4.1. 白蝦生活史與攝食習慣 27
4.2. 微塑膠纖維破碎與尺寸分布 27
4.3. 微塑膠纖維於消化道停留時間 29
4.4. 活動力行為觀察與分析 30
4.5. 長期暴露微塑膠纖維於體內的累積與排除 31
第五章 結論與未來展望 35
參考文獻 37
附錄 45
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