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作者(英文):Wen-Pu Tseng
論文名稱(英文):Marine debris ingestion and potential health effects in the rescued sea turtles at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
指導教授(英文):Te-Hao Chen
口試委員(英文):Te-Hao Chen
Tsung-Hsien Li
I-Jiunn Cheng
關鍵詞(英文):Sea turtleMarine debrisDebris ingestionFeces analysis
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Necropsy is currently the most common method of identifying marine debris ingestion by sea turtles, but information on debris ingestion in live sea turtles could be obtained through fecal analyses. This study was carried out at a sea turtle rehabilitation center located at and managed by the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Taiwan. A total of 39 rescued sea turtles (30 Chelonia mydas, 3 Lepidochelys olivacea, and 6 Eretmochelys imbricate) were examined between October of 2017 and November of 2019 for this study. Marine debris was found in the feces of all 39 sea turtles. The excreted debris was mostly composed of transparent or white hard plastic fragments. There was no significant difference in the total debris mass between the three sea turtle species. There was no significant difference in the total debris mass between the turtles caught from the west and east coast. The total debris mass had no significant correlation with body size. The total debris mass had no significant correlation with either body condition index (BCI) or appetite of the turtles. Total debris mass was significantly or had a trend to be correlated with several hematology indices (pH, chloride, blood urea nitrogen, potassium, and alkaline phosphatase). This finding suggests that sea turtles with higher debris mass may suffer from dehydration, acidemia and damage to the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts.
第一章:前言 1
1.1海龜物種介紹 1
1.2 海生館海龜收容中心簡介 4
1.3海洋廢棄物介紹 7
1.4海龜攝入廢棄物之危害 9
1.5亞致死效應概論 11
1.6研究目的 12
1.6.1研究目標 12
第二章:材料方法 13
2.1實驗動物及排遺樣本採集 13
2.2排遺中廢棄物分析 13
2.3海龜形質測量與健康資料分析 14
2.4統計分析 18
第三章:結果 19
3.1海生館救援海龜基本資料 19
3.2排出海洋廢棄物量與次數 20
3.3海廢定量之相關性 22
3.4海龜排出廢棄物之材質及顏色 23
3.5三種海龜排出廢棄物量與東岸西岸排出量之比較 25
3.6海龜體長與海廢排出量的相關性 27
3.7海廢對海龜健康的影響 28
第四章:討論 33
第五章:結論 41
參考文獻 43
附錄 55
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