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作者(英文):Yan-Leng Huang
論文名稱(英文):Physiological performance of Pocillopora acuta is enhanced more by heterotrophic feeding than light intensity
指導教授(英文):Tung-Yung Fan
口試委員(英文):Li-Lian Liu
Pi-Jen Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Pocillopora acutaHeterotrophic feedingLight intensityGrowth rateMaximal photochemical yieldColorEx situ aquaculture
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珊瑚能夠同時經由自營和異營作用中獲得營養,但此二作用對珊瑚生理表現的個別和共同影響瞭解得有限。本研究在完全人工環境下,將尖枝鹿角珊瑚(Pocillopora acuta)養殖在人工海水的再循環式水產養殖系統中,進行三種光照強度(高光、中光和低光分別為250、157和105 μmol photons m-2s-1),和有無餵食豐年蝦(42.7 ind/ml,每週三次,每次4小時)的處理。珊瑚養殖140天,養殖缸水質良好且分枝的存活率為100%,結果顯示光照強度與有無餵食顯著影響分枝的浮力重量、線性生長與顏色分數,且無交互作用。特定生長速率在高光有餵與中光有餵組相似,而高光有餵組顯著大於其餘組別,是其1.1-2.5倍。有餵組的顏色分數顯著高於無餵組。最大光亮子產量僅受有無餵食顯著影響,且僅在高光無餵組顯著下降。因此,主動與密集的餵食比光照強度更能強化尖枝鹿角珊瑚的生理表現,這些結果可應用於優化尖枝鹿角珊瑚在異地水產養殖的效益。
Corals can obtain nutrition through both autotrophic and heterotrophic effects, but the research as a two-factor has limited understanding. In this study, Pocillopora acuta was cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system using artificial seawater in a completely artificial environment, and perform three light intensities (high light, medium light and low light were 250 , 157, 105 μmol photons m-2s-1, respectively) , with or without feeding Artimia nauplii (42.7 ind/ml, 3 times a week, 4 hours each time). Within 140 days of cultivation, the water quality of the cultivation tank was good and the survival rate of the branches was 100%. The results show that light intensity and feeding significantly affect the buoyancy weight, linear growth and color score of the branches, and there is no interaction. The specific growth rate was similar in the high- and medium-light with feeding groups, and the high-lighting feeding group was significantly larger than the rest of the groups, which was 1.1-2.5 times. The color score of the feeding group was significantly higher than that of the non-feeding group. The maximal photochemical yield was only significantly affected by feeding, and only decreased significantly in the high-lighting non-feeding group. Therefore, active and intensive feeding can enhance the physiological performance of Pocillopora acuta more than light intensity. These results can be applied to optimize the benefits of Pocillopora acuta in ex-situ aquaculture.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
壹、前言 1
1.1 珊瑚的價值 1
1.2 異地珊瑚水產養殖系統 1
1.3 珊瑚的生理表現 2
1.4 尖枝鹿角珊瑚與養殖相關研究 3
1.5 研究目的 3
貳、材料與方法 5
2.1 實驗物種及採樣地點 5
2.2 分枝製作 5
2.3 再循環式水產養殖系統設置與維護 5
2.4 光照強度處理 6
2.5 異營餵食處理 6
2.6 分枝重量測量 7
2.7 分枝線性生長 7
2.8 分枝最大量子產量 8
2.9 分枝顏色變化 8
2.10 統計分析 8
參、結果 11
3.1 養殖環境參數 11
3.2 存活與生長 11
3.3 線性生長 12
3.4 最大光亮子產量 13
3.5 顏色變化 13
肆、討論 15
4.1 珊瑚養殖系統的優缺點 15
4.2 異營餵食對於生理表現的影響 15
4.2-1 生長 15
4.2-2 餌料與餵食 17
4.3 光與餵食對分枝的最大光亮子產量和顏色變化 18
伍、結論 19
陸、未來值得研究的問題 21
柒、參考文獻 23

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