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作者(英文):Hang-Chi Chen
論文名稱(英文):Evaluation of different densities on coral reef fish larvae survival rate under inorganic fertilization method
指導教授(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Wen-Tseng Lo
Hung-Yen Hsieh
Kwee-Siong Tew
關鍵詞(英文):Inorganic fertilizationstocking densitymarine ornamental fishaquarium
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傳統的商業水產養殖業以單一餌料生物如輪蟲用作仔魚的飼料,然而與傳統方法相比,使用無機營養鹽施肥法可提高仔魚的存活率,但無機營養鹽施肥法中仔魚密度對浮游生物之影響尚不清楚。本實驗之研究目的:以無機鹽施肥法下,投放不同魚卵密度以探討仔魚存活率。實驗方法為將6個2000 L 的養殖桶注水後添加營養鹽並在實驗期間維持在氮:700 μg/L 及磷:100 μg/L, 第一次實驗魚卵投放密度為2.0 ind/L 與6.1 ind/L;第二次實驗魚卵投放密度為1.3 ind/L 與3.9 ind/L,皆進行3重複。實驗第5天後投放魚卵,實驗第15天計算存活率。實驗期間每日定時觀察浮游動物數目(10 μm¬-100 μm)並測量營養鹽、葉綠素a濃度。實驗結束後以手操網捕撈,計算最後存活魚隻。第一次實驗結果顯示高密度組存活率為2.49 ± 3.38 %,高於低密度組1.82 ± 2.79 %;第二次實驗結果高密度組存活率為12.32 ± 21.32 %,低密度組55.65 ± 38.94 % ,本次實驗之仔魚存活率皆沒有顯著差異。本次實驗各重複組之間存活率差異大,但在浮游動物充足的情況下,低投卵密度組總收穫魚隻數較高,而高密度養殖可培養出較多種類。本研究顯示利用後灣天然海水進行無機營養鹽施肥法,在氮磷比700 μg/L: 100 μg/L的養殖條件下可養殖不同種類的海水觀賞魚。
Traditional aquaculture has been using single species of live feed such as rotifers in larviculture. However, using inorganic fertilizers has proved to increase larval fish survival as compared to traditional method, but the effect of larval density on plankton is unclear. In this experiment, we tried different stocking densities using the inorganic fertilization method in coral reef fish larviculture. Fish eggs were stocked in six 2000 L tanks. In the first experiment, we stocked 2.0 ind/L vs. 6.1 ind/L; and in the second experiment, we stocked 1.3 ind/L vs. 3.9 ind/L, all in triplicates, and all tanks were fertilized with inorganic fertilizers and maintained at N: 700 µg/L and P: 100 µg/L. We measured water quality, nutrients, and chlorophyll a, as well as calculated zooplankton (10 μm¬-100 μm) density daily. We stocked eggs in day-5 and collected fish larvae in day-15. The results showed that fish survival rate was 1.82 ± 2.79 % in low density group, and 2.49 ± 3.38 % in the high density group in the first experiment, and 55.65 ± 38.94 % in low density group and 12.32 ± 21.32 % in the high density group in the second experiment. The stocking densities did not affect fish survival, probably due to high variation within each treatment. When sufficient zooplankton was present, we harvested more fish from the low density group, however, more species of fish were harvested from high density group. This study shows that inorganic fertilizer can be used in different kinds of marine ornamental fish larviculture.
摘要 i

Abstract iii

第一章 前言 1

第二章 材料與方法 7

第三章 結果 11

第四章 討論 17

第五章 結論 23

參考文獻 25

結果圖表 33

附綠 45
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NIEA W418.53C 水中亞硝酸鹽氮檢測方法-比色法。
NIEA W436.52C 水中硝酸鹽氮及亞硝酸鹽氮檢測方法-鎘還原流動分析法。
NIEA W443.51C 水中正磷酸鹽之流動注入分析法-比色法。
NIEA E507.03B 水中葉綠素 a 檢測方法-丙酮萃取法/分光光度計分析法。

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