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作者(英文):Pei-Qi Ye
論文名稱(英文):Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in stranded Kogia breviceps and Feresa attenuata in Taiwan coast
指導教授(英文):Fung-Chi Ko
口試委員(英文):Fung-Chi Ko
Te-Hao Chen
Pei-Ling Wang
Hao-Ven Wang
關鍵詞(英文):persistent organic pollutantsbioaccumulationtrophic levelpygmy sperm whalepygmy killer whale
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持久性有機汙染物(POPs)為結構穩定,不容易被分解的化學物質,具有半揮發的特性能進行遠距離傳播,親脂性佳,容易累積在生物的脂肪組織當中,經由食物鏈生物放大作用,累積在食物鏈中營養階層最高的海洋哺乳動物體內中。近年來台灣沿岸擱淺鯨豚中,小抹香鯨(Kogia breviceps)與小虎鯨(Feresa attenuata)擱淺數量皆位居前十名,然而目前對這兩種鯨豚體內累積汙染物之研究仍相對缺乏。本研究分析2012-2020年台灣沿岸擱淺的小抹香鯨與小虎鯨,將鯨脂、肝臟、腸道、肌肉以索氏萃取法萃取,經由串聯式氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS)分析其體內多環芳香烴(PAHs)、多氯聯苯(PCBs)、多溴聯苯醚(PBDEs)及DDTs有機氯農藥的含量及組成,並探討四種持久性有機汙染物與脂肪含量、營養階層、年齡及性別之間的關係。研究結果顯示,兩種鯨豚體內皆含有四種持久性有機汙染物,與其他國家地區相比屬於汙染程度較低的國家。小虎鯨的營養階層比小抹香鯨高,體內累積已長期被禁用之POPs含量皆高於小抹香鯨,然而在PAHs較不明顯,可能由於其廣泛存在於環境中,P450酵素能進一步將其代謝分解,故不受營養階層的影響。雄性小虎鯨體內的四種持久性有機汙染物濃度皆高於雌性小虎鯨,表示雌性小虎鯨可能有藉由生育及哺乳方式將體內汙染物傳遞給幼鯨。小虎鯨會隨著年齡增加而污染物濃度有累積的趨勢。兩種鯨豚在PAHs組成主要以低分子量的Naphthalene為主。在PCBs的組成主要以六氯PCBs為主,然而在東北角擱淺的小抹香鯨,其體內PCBs組成以五-七氯PCBs為主,棲息地不同會影響體內汙染物之組成。在PBDEs的組成主要以結構穩定的BDE-47、BDE-100、BDE-154為主。在DDTs的組成主要以DDE為主,且DDT/ΣDDTs比值小於0.4,表示兩種鯨豚棲息範圍沒有受到新的DDT汙染。
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are chemical substances that are structurally stable and not easily decomposed. They have semi-volatile properties for long-distance transmission. They have good ipophilicity and are easy to accumulate in the fatty tissues of organisms. They accumulate in the marine mamals with the highest trophic level in food chain throgh the biolagical magnification. Among stranded cetaceans along the coast of Taiwan in the past two years, the number of pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) and killer whales (Feresa attenuata) ranks among the top ten. However, there is still a relatively lack of research on the accumulation of pollutants in these cetaceans. This study mainly analyzes the stranded pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) and killer whales (Feresa attenuata) along the coast of Taiwan from 2012 to 2020. The blubber, liver, gut, and muscle were extracted by Soxhlet extraction and analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Quantify the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs) and DDTs in the body, and will be discussed the four types of persistent organic pollutants and lipid content, trophic level, age and sex relationship between. This study show that both cetaceans contain four types of persistent organic pollutants, which are a lower level of pollution than other countries. The trophic level of the killer whales (Feresa attenuata) is higher than that of the pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps). The content of PCBs, PBDEs and DDTs accumulated in the body is higher than that of the pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps). However, PAHs are widely present in the environment, and P450 enzymes can further metabolize them, so they are not affected by the trophic level. The concentration of the four persistent organic pollutants in male pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata) are higher than that of female pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata), which means that female pygmy killer whales may pass pollutants in their bodies to their calves through fertility and breastfeeding. Pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata) tend to accumulate pollutant concentrations as they age. The PAHs of the cetaceans are mainly low molecular weight Naphthalene. The composition of PCBs is dominated by hexachloroPCBs. The pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) stranded in the Northeast coast are dominated by penta to heptachlor PCBs. Different habitats will affect the composition of pollutants in the body. The composition of PBDEs is mainly BDE-47, BDE-100 and BDE-154, which are structurally stable. The composition of DDTs is mainly DDE, and the ratio of DDT/ΣDDTs is less than 0.4, indicating that the habitat of the cetaceans has not been polluted by new DDT.
謝辭 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
附錄 xiii
第壹章、前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第貳章、文獻回顧 5
2.1 持久性有機汙染物 5
2.2 多環芳香烴(PAHs) 6
2.3 多氯聯苯(PCBs) 9
2.4 多溴聯苯醚(PBDEs) 11
2.5 有機氯農藥(OCPs) 13
2.6 樣品之生物背景 14
2.6.1 小抹香鯨(Kogia breviceps) 14
2.6.2 小虎鯨(Feresa attenuata) 14
第參章、材料與方法 15
3.1 材料與儀器 15
3.1.1 材料 15
3.1.2 儀器設備 17
3.2 試藥及器材前處理 18
3.3 採樣及樣品前處理 19
3.4 樣品分析 20
3.4.1 萃取樣品及分析流程 20
3.4.2 儀器分析 22
3.5 定量方法 24
3.6 品保及品管(QA/QC) 25
3.6.1 方法回收率 25
3.6.2 方法偵測極限 25
3.7 脂肪含量分析 27
3.8 穩定同位素分析 27
3.8.1 樣品前處理 27
3.8.2 穩定同位素分析 27
3.8.3 營養位階估算 28
3.9 資料處理與統計分析 28
第肆章、結果與討論 29
4.1 脂肪含量分布 29
4.2 穩定同位素結果 31
4.3 多環芳香烴(PAHs) 34
4.3.1 多環芳香烴之含量比較 34
4.3.2 多環芳香烴之組成 38
4.4 多氯聯苯(PCBs) 39
4.4.1 多氯聯苯之含量比較 39
4.4.2 多氯聯苯之組成 43
4.5 多溴聯苯醚(PBDEs) 44
4.5.1 多溴聯苯醚之含量比較 44
4.5.2 多溴聯苯醚之組成 48
4.6 DDTs有機氯農藥 49
4.6.1 DDTs之含量比較 49
4.6.2 DDTs之組成 53
4.7 台灣與其他國家POPs之比較 55
第伍章、結論與建議 59
5.1 結論 59
5.2 建議 60
參考文獻 61
附錄 71
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