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作者(英文):Wei-Lun Qiu
論文名稱(英文):Growth, mortality, and feeding requirement of mesopelagic fish larvae in the Gaoping waters: a case study of Benthosema pterotum and Vinciguerria nimbaria
指導教授(英文):Hung-Yen Hsieh
口試委員(英文):Hung-Yen Hsieh
Ming-An Lee
Chih-Wei Chang
關鍵詞(英文):mesopelagic fishesfish larvaegrowthmortalityfeeding requirement
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中深水層魚類的仔稚魚通常在海洋魚類幼生群聚中佔主導地位,但是對其生態學的詳細研究是有限的,因此無法全面評估海洋水域的生態系統結構。本研究分析了高屏海域兩種數量優勢的中深水層魚類仔稚魚(七星底燈魚及智利串光魚)的生長、死亡及其攝食需求,並透過生長與死亡的數據對仔稚魚的族群補充量進行評估。結果顯示,七星底燈魚及智利串光魚的體重特異性生長係數(Gw)分別為0.0587 d-1及0.1278 d-1,瞬時日死亡率(M)分別為0.037 d-1及0.119 d-1。Gw / M比值是仔稚魚特定階段生存率的指標,根據結果顯示,七星底燈魚及智利串光魚的族群補充量都相當足夠,都是高屏海域中穩定生長的物種。兩種仔稚魚類群的攝食需求量分別為0.013 ± 0.017 mg C m-2d−1 (七星底燈魚)及0.105 ± 0.140 mg C m-2d−1 (智利串光魚)。而這兩者之間攝食需求的差異,我們推測可能是源自於兩個物種的進食能力的不同,也有可能是智利串光魚為了在早期快速生長,所以其攝食需求高過於七星底燈魚。
Larvae of mesopelagic fishes usually dominate in oceanic larval fish assemblages, but detailed investigations of their ecology are limited and thus preclude full assessment of the ecosystem structure in oceanic waters. Here, we examined the growth, mortality, and their feeding requirement of two species of dominant mesopelagic fish larvae in the Gaoping waters, and assessed the larval recruitment potential by their growth and mortality. The data shows that weight-specific growth coefficients (Gw) of Benthosema pterotum and Vinciguerria nimbaria are 0.0587 d−1and 0.1278 d−1, and the instantaneous daily mortality coefficients (M) are 0.037 d−1and 0.119 d−1, respectively. The ratio of Gw/M, an index of stage-specific survival of the larvae, indicated that the recruitment potential are enough and the community recruitment of B. pterotum and V. nimbaria are stable. The feeding requirements of larvae of the two species are 0.013 ± 0.017 mg C m-2d−1 (B. pterotum) and 0.105 ± 0.140 mg C m-2d−1 (V. nimbaria). We speculate that the difference of feeding requirement between B. pterotum and V. nimbaria is probably due to the difference in the feeding ability or the growth as fast as possible for V. nimbaria.
壹、前言 1
1-1 中深水層魚類 1
1-2 七星底燈魚以及智利串光魚之生長環境 2
1-3 利用耳石解析魚類初期生活史 4
1-4 研究目的 6
貳、材料與方法 7
2-1 採樣地點與方法 7
2-2 仔稚魚體長與乾重測定 7
2-3 耳石摘取與日週輪判讀 8
2-4 數據統計與分析 9
參、結果 13
3-1 仔稚魚的體長分布 13
3-2 耳石的日輪判讀 13
3-3 仔稚魚的生長、死亡及族群補充量 14
3-4 仔稚魚的攝食需求 15
肆、討論 17
4-1 年齡形質之探討 17
4-2 仔稚魚生長與死亡 18
4-3 仔稚魚的族群補充量 20
4-4 仔稚魚的攝食需求 20
伍、結論 23
陸、參考文獻 25

















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