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作者(英文):Te Chung
論文名稱:布萊恩.費尼豪長笛作品 《卡珊德拉夢之曲》詮釋分析
論文名稱(英文):Interpretative Analysis of Cassandra's Dream Song for Flute Solo Piece by Brian Ferneyhough
指導教授(英文):Jui-Lin You
Tsui-Ping Peng
口試委員(英文):Pei-Chuan Hsu
Yung-Han Li
關鍵詞(英文):Brian FerneyhoughCassandra's dream songNew Complexity
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The 'Cassandra's dream song for solo flute' was composed by Brian Ferneyhough in 1970. Because of the extremely complicated musical notation and the complex structure of the piece, it was until 1974 did a flutist perform it for the first time. Brian Ferneyhough is a genius yet controversial composer, and is often regarded as the father of 'New Complexity'. After the development of serialism and integral serialism since the end of World War II, the appearance of 'New Complexity' was categorized as a new composing style that is different from minimalism during the same period. In this article, the history of 'New Complexity,' the biography, and composition style of Brian Ferneyhough were reviewed systematically before the interpretation of this piece. The author also reviewed some earlier relevant interpretative articles by flutists, and combined them with the story and metaphor of Cassandra in Greek mythology. Thereafter, recommendation of my personal interpretation style for the piece were provided.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與範圍 3
第三節 文獻回顧 4
第二章 作曲家布萊恩.費尼豪介紹 7
第一節 作曲家生平 7
第二節 費尼豪作曲人生與風格 12
第三章 「新複雜主義」的背景 21
第一節 當代音樂 (Contemporary Music) 21
第二節 新複雜主義 (New Complexity) 27
第四章 《卡珊德拉夢之曲》分析與詮釋 35
第一節 希臘神話「卡珊德拉」的故事 35
第二節 關於《卡珊德 拉的夢之曲》的巨觀分析 38
第三節 關於《卡珊德拉的夢之曲》的微觀分析與詮釋 40
第四節 關於《卡珊德拉的夢之曲》的演奏手法與詮釋 60
第五節 小結 67
第五章 結論 69
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