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作者(英文):MIN-CHI TAI
論文名稱:創意生活產業選物店商業模式分析- 以The One南園人文客棧為例
論文名稱(英文):Analysis of the Business Model of the Creative Life Industry Select Shop - A Case Study of The One Nanyuan Land of Retreat & Wellness
指導教授(英文):Shu-Hua Chang
口試委員(英文):Chao-Hung Lin
關鍵詞(英文):creative life industrylifestyleselect shopbusiness model
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本研究主要採用個案研究法,研究對象The One南園人文客棧,透過個案次級資料收集、深度訪談個案經營者與參與式觀察法作為本研究資料收集,以商業模式導航做為主軸,探討價值主張、價值鏈、獲利機制這三個層面,再以創意生活產業的元素分別對應到這三個層面,探討、分析選物店的商業模式。The One南園人文客棧選物店的商業模式,以東方人文的生活風格價值主張傳遞。並透過價值鏈中的核心資源人才職能與外部合作夥伴,利用場域氛圍、活動體驗、服務感受,將選物店中產品的生活情境與文化價值行銷與包裝,使消費者與營造出美好的生活景像產生共鳴,進而滿足消費者對於生活風格的追求。
In recent years, the global economy has caused consumers to gradually move away from the “brand myth” and to seek the “self-style” life, through products that can express their own style and individual thinking. In the creative life industry, the new business model of the select shop expresses the operator’s interpretation of life; the physical storefront presents the atmosphere of the store. The creative life industry contains four essential elements: “products,” “space,” “services,” and “promotion.” It provides high added value, and establishes its industrial characteristics in terms of industry and life. However, when choosing a shop and its product selection, different business models are an important consideration.
This research employs a case study of The One Nanyuan Land of Retreat & Wellness select shop, using secondary data collection, in-depth interviews with case operators, and participatory observation. Business model navigation is the main axis used to discuss the three levels of value proposition, value chain, and revenue, in relation to the elements of the creative life industry. The business model of the The One Nanyuan Land of Retreat & Wellness select select shop conveys the value proposition of the oriental humanistic lifestyle. Through the core resource talent function in the value chain and with external partners, the studied business uses the field atmosphere, event experience, service experience, the product’s life situation, and cultural value marketing and packaging, in order to give consumers create a beautiful life scene resonance.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的與流程 3
第三節 研究限制與章節規劃 6
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 創意生活產業特性與模式 9
第二節 選物店之特性分析 17
第三節 商業模式 25
第四節 小結 32
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究設計 35
第二節 研究對象 40
第三節 研究資料分析 41
第四章 研究分析與討論 43
第一節 個案背景介紹 43
第二節 商業模式分析 44
第三節 個案討論 61
第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 結論 69
第二節 未來研究建議 72
參考文獻 73
附錄ㄧ 79
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