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作者(英文):Yu-Hsuan Chung
論文名稱(英文):The Reading Experience of Readers with Dyslexia in Traditional Mandarin: A Phenomenological Study
指導教授(英文):Wei-Lun Lee
口試委員(英文):Shyh-Heng Wong
Wun-Tsong Chaou
關鍵詞(英文):DyslexiaSpecific Learning Disorderphenomenological study
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閱讀障礙(dyslexia)為特定學習障礙(specific learning disorder)的一種表現模式,其定義與成因目前在學界仍有大量討論。然而多數論述皆建立於異常與缺陷觀點,使經驗者在閱讀中不同的表現被視為一種缺陷或對缺陷的因應模式,並在情境中顯現為缺陷者。
本研究旨在探討被稱為「閱讀障礙者」的閱讀學習與生活經驗。透過以現象學方法對經驗文本進行分析,得到兩種生活於世界中掌握事物與閱讀材料的方式,一是「置身遭逢」(situated bodily encounter),二是「俯瞰式之結構定序」(hovered structural ordering)。被稱為閱讀障礙者(閱障者)的閱讀與生活經驗可以描述為側重於置身遭逢的認識與閱讀方式,而缺少俯瞰式之結構定序的在世生活樣貌。在閱讀上,置身遭逢的認識方式有三個特性:模糊閱讀的定序運作、感受導向的意義生產,以及資訊片段的零散。在人際交往的情境中,閱障者與情境中他者的步調不一致而經驗到落差的產生。本研究提出「近身感受導向的學習者」(proximity experience learner)作為一種中性說明方式,提供從經驗出發的說明、理解與看待方式,也就是在離開異常與缺陷觀點的同時,同樣提供使經驗能被說明的命名與轉換視角的能動性。
Dyslexia is one of the phenotypes of Specific Learning Disorder, and its definition and causes are still widely debated. However, most research and discourses established upon an abnormality and deficit perspective, which views diverse manifestations in reading as a defect or a coping mechanism in response to the deficiency, thereby labeling individuals as deficient within the context.
This study aims to explore the reading and life experiences of individuals referred to as "individuals with dyslexia." By employing the phenomenological method to analyze the interviewees’ reading and living experiences, we identified two modes of how individuals engage with the world and reading materials, (1) situated bodily encounter and (2) hovered structural ordering. The reading and living experiences of those who are referred to as individuals with dyslexia can be described as a lived experience that primarily focused on the mode of situated bodily encounter while lacking the mode of hovered structural ordering. In the prospect of reading, situated bodily encounter presents three characteristics, (1) spatial vagueness, (2) momentariness, and (3) bodily relatedness. In the prospect of interpersonal interaction, individuals with dyslexia experience a discrepancy due to being out of sync with others in the context. We present the term “proximity experience learner” as a neutral description to provide explanations, understanding, and perspectives originating from lived experiences. While departing from the perspective of abnormality and deficit, the term “proximity experience learner” provides a naming that enables the experiences to be explained and the initiative to shift perspectives.
誌謝 I
摘要 III
目次 VII
表目次 IX
圖目次 XI
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 定義 3
第二節 成因 6
第三節 反思與視野轉換 10
第四節 經驗理解 13
第三章 研究問題與方法 15
第一節 研究問題 15
第二節 研究對象與受訪者保護 15
第三節 研究方法 16
第四章 研究結果 19
第一節 三位受訪者的置身結構 19
第二節 普遍結構 48
第五章 討論 65
第一節 字詞說明 65
第二節 回應─現有診斷準則 66
第三節 回應─回到經驗本身的認識方式 68
第四節 回應─對閱障者有效的學習方式 70
第五節 閱障者經驗到的困境與誤解 76
第六節 研究展望─近身感受導向的學習者 77
第七節 未來研究方向 78
第六章 研究結論 81
參考文獻 83
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