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作者(英文):Ting Wang
論文名稱(英文):A Phenomenological Study of Self-harm Experience
指導教授(英文):Wei-Lun Lee
口試委員(英文):Shyh-Heng Wong
Rong-Bang Peng
關鍵詞(英文):self-harmsituatednessphenomenological psychology
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This study aims to discuss the situatedness of self-harm experiencers. By bracketing the existing understanding of self-harm, the researchers have a new encounter with self-harm experiencers as beings. The method used in this study is phenomenological reduction. This study analyzes interview texts from three individuals who have experienced self-harm.
The results of the research show the general structure of the situatedness of self-harm experiencers, starting from suffering without being cared for, and the disconnection with the surroundings, which makes self-harm sufferers enter a state of loneliness where the pain cannot be undone. Self-harm and physical suffering are closely linked, a process of unheard expression and tension release. In the process of arguing with the sight of important relationships, as others do not give in, self-harm becomes a way to unblock the tension. In the phase of pretense, self-harm appears in the form of care and oppression at the same time, so that the experiencer can continue to stay in the suffering world. In the end, self-harm becomes a form of self-blame and punishment as the experiencer fully identifies with the stern eye. Shame arises when self-inflicted wounds and scars appear in front of others but are not seen.
The results of this study are different from previous discussions on the pathogenesis of self-harm, pointing out that self-harm experiencers are understood as ethical sufferers under the eyes of others, and discuss self-harm research as a corresponding ethical action initiative. Finally, the research points to the possibility that self-harm experiencers may be healed through the adjustment of viewing.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 自我傷害的定義演變 3
第二節 對自我傷害的論述 5
第三節 對心理實體論的自傷研究之反思 10
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究取向 13
第二節 研究對象暨研究實施 15
第三節 研究分析方法 16
第四節 研究倫理 20
第四章 研究結果一:自我傷害經驗者的置身結構 21
第一節 受訪者H的置身結構 21
第二節 受訪者W的置身結構 27
第三節 受訪者S的置身結構 35
第五章 研究結果二:普遍結構的分析 41
第一節 在受苦不被承認與接應的處境中,自傷作為一種不被聽見的表達與張力的釋放 41
第二節 「他人優先」的經驗、自己「可被犧牲」的經驗,以及渴望重要之人「過來這邊」的掙扎拉鋸歷程 42
第三節 為了被他人眼睛視作為好,而展開「假裝」結構與張力的累積及釋放 44
第四節 逼迫與照料並行的自傷,崩潰後得以回到可繼續假裝的心理狀態 45
第五節 與嚴厲的眼光站在同側,對不夠好的自己給出懲罰 46
第六節 自傷歷程及其疤痕結果作為存在處境現身的一處裂口,未能獲得通達,感受至此被「羞恥」命名與烙印 47
第一節 以鏡像理論說明自傷經驗者的受苦 49
第二節 自傷與他人:與既有自傷文獻對話 58
第三節 通透的看見:作為倫理行動的自傷研究 62
第四節 療癒如何可能——關於「眼睛」的替換 66
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