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作者(英文):Corinne Coster
論文名稱(英文):Dream Type, Dream Content and Levels of Consciousness
指導教授(英文):Ming-Ni Lee
口試委員(英文):Meei-Ju Lin
Yi-Chao Wang
關鍵詞(英文):dreamsego developmentconsciousnessspiritual typedevelopmental stageslevels of consciousness
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Many studies have attempted to study and classify dreams according to their content.
According to a review of the literature, only a few have attempted to classify dreams as
related to progressive levels of consciousness. This study intended to examine this kind of
relationship and expanded on it by attempting to classify dreams on a progressive
developmental continuum of levels of consciousness in dreams as manifested on a similar
waking continuum of consciousness. In order to do so, we compared dream type and dream
content to the developmental model of consciousness of Ken Wilber (2005a), also known as
the integral spectrum of consciousness, AQAL. Through thematic deductive approach, and
using QDA Miner, it was fund that self-identity profiles on the Washington University
Sentence Completion Test (Loevinger & Wessler, 1970) matched coded self-identity items in
dream content. This, however was not observed with the spiritual profiles based on the
Spiritual Experience Index-Revised (Genia, 1997), yet considering the small sample of
spiritual features studied we noted a slight pattern of relationship between transcendent
dreams and transitional and growth oriented profiles. Transcendent dreams appeared closely
to the E7 individualistic level, while existential dreams and alienation dreams were more
prominent with both E6 conscientious and E5 self-aware levels. Nightmares peaked at E4
conformist and E7 individualistic, while mundane dreams did not appear related to a specific
level. Finally, through cluster analysis, dream content as opposed to dream types, reflected a
similar pattern to consciousness profiles suggesting a similarity of consciousness between
waking and dreaming. It is suggested that coding dream content with self-identity items
according to ego development theory (Loevinger, 1998) may help therapists to deepen their
knowledge of their clients and assess all levels of consciousness pertaining to them.
Keywords: dreams, consciousness, developmental stages, ego development, spiritual type,
levels of consciousness
Chapter I. Introduction...1
Dream Typology and Stages of Consciousness...1
Different Types of Consciousness...4
The Spectrum of Consciousness...5
Reality is a Level of Consciousness...8
States Versus Stages...9
The Transition From Horizontal State to Vertical Stage...10
The Developmental Lines...11
The Spiral Dynamic Model...12
Dreams and Stages-States of Consciousness... 14
The Structure of Consciousness and Dream Typology... 15
Dream Typology and Their Possible Correlates to Wilber's Integral Theory... 19
Measurement of Consciousness: The Integral Psychograph Assessment (IPA)... 21
Research Objectives..... 23
Chapter II. Method...27
Overview... 27
Participants ... 27
Instruments... 28
Procedure ... 32
Exploratory Investigation... 38
Comparison ... 39
Chapter III. Results...41
Exploratory and Descriptive Analysis... 41
Cases Conclusion... 73
Research Issues... 76
Chapter IV. Discussion...89
Chapter V. Conclusion...93
Appendix A. List of IDQ Added Dream Question Items...109
Appendix B. Research Participants Ad...110
Appendix C. Dream Typology and Consciousness ...111
Appendix D. General Information Questionnaire...112
Appendix E. Percentage of Dream IDQ Items by Case and Dream Type...113
Appendix F. List of Items Coded in QDA Miner ...115
Appendix G. Codes Distribution Among All Cases ...119
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