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作者(英文):Pei-Jing Yew
論文名稱(英文):The Lived Experience of the Second Generations of the May 13 Incident Victim Families in Malaysia
指導教授(英文):Shyh-Heng Wong
口試委員(英文):Hsueh-Lin Ho
Shih-Ming Li
關鍵詞(英文):transgenerational traumaintergenerational transmissiontraumatic bereavementdisenfranchised griefthe May 13 incident
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Objective: Due to the social taboo surrounding the May 13 incident, little research has been devoted to explore the experiences of the victim families, and the second generation family members have rarely been the research focus. This study aimed to understand the lived experiences of the second generation family members from a psychological perspective. This study first described the complex experiences of the victim families, illustrating their multiple sufferings contain traumatic bereavement and disenfranchised grief. This study also reviewed the research findings on transgenerational trauma, including its occurrence and its impact on subsequent generations, as a way of understanding the experiences of the second generation.
Method: To explore the subjective processes of the second generation deeply and contextually, this study adopted the qualitative research method with interpretive phenomenology orientation. Three participants were interviewed, and the analysis of the interview texts was conducted according to the method of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA).
Results: The results of this study revealed four experiential themes among the second generation: (1) the inheritance of familial sufferings, (2) the deepening of familial sufferings, (3) the contradictions and struggles of being second generation, and (4) the transformative opportunities of familial sufferings. Although the results share many similarities with existing research on intergenerational trauma, significant differences are still present, reflecting the uniqueness of the incident experienced by the parental generation and the influence of social, cultural, and historical contexts. The study showed that the mourning process of victim families encounters internal and external obstacles, and the unresolved grief and trauma experiences of the parental generation may be transmitted to the second generation, seeking responses to the unfinished mourning task of the family. The mourning attempts of the second generation still face obstacles from the political and social structures. However, the witness and shared responsibility from the collective society, as well as changes in the political atmosphere, significantly contribute to the healing of the victim families.
Conclusions: It is hoped that this study’s understanding of the lived experience of the second generation will contribute to the extension of further research. As for clinical practice, this study suggests that the development of diverse treatment models and the incorporation of trauma-informed and social justice will better meet the needs of the victim families.
第一章 緒論:探究五一三事件遇難者家屬及後代的經驗 1
第一節 五一三事件遇難者家屬的多重受苦 1
第二節 家族受苦經驗的代間傳承之探究 3
第三節 相關名詞釋義 5
第二章 文獻探討:梳理悲傷與創傷經驗的代間傳遞現象 7
第一節 五一三事件作為馬來西亞的歷史重擔 7
第二節 悲傷與創傷的交織 9
第三節 創傷的代間傳遞現象 12
第四節 綜論:代間受苦經驗的取徑 17
第五節 研究問題意識 18
第三章 研究方法:貼近遇難者二代家屬生活經驗的取徑 19
第一節 研究方法 19
第二節 研究配置 20
第三節 研究分析步驟 21
第四節 研究倫理議題 23
第四章 研究結果:呈現家族傷痛對二代家屬的交織意義 27
第一節 家族傷痛的承接 27
第二節 家族傷痛的發酵 33
第三節 二代身份的矛盾與掙扎 37
第四節 家族傷痛的轉化契機 40
第五章 研究討論:脈絡化遇難者二代家屬的代間傳遞經驗 47
第一節 代間傳遞的內涵與影響 47
第二節 代間傳遞的困境與轉化 51
第三節 整合論述:社會受苦透過世代的召喚 54
第六章 結語與建議:展望對世代受苦的認識與療愈 57
第一節 研究結論 57
第二節 臨床與實務建議 58
第三節 研究限制與建議 59
參考文獻 61
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