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作者:Quan-Thanh Huynh
作者(英文):Quan-Thanh Huynh
論文名稱(英文):Impacts of fill-in-the-nodes concept maps on learning chemistry of low prior knowledge students: the study on learning achievements and attitude toward concept maps
指導教授(英文):Yu-Chuan Yang
口試委員(英文):Chih-Hsiung Ku
Jing-Wen Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Fill-in-the-nodes concept maplearning Chemistryattitude toward concept maplow prior knowledge studentlearning achievement
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本研究以Paired t test (相依樣本t檢定)來檢查每組前測及後測之間的差異,再以ANCOVA (共變數分析) 與Johnson-Neyman (詹森-內曼) 方法來檢驗排除前測的個別差異之後,兩組的後測差異。主題1及主題 2的研究結果皆顯示:實驗組的表現優於對照組;然而,主題2僅適用於前測分數低於30.7分的學生。態度問卷的分析結果顯示:學生們認同概念圖的實用性,但是對於學習這種新工具有所遲疑。本論文成果提供了更多證據來支持概念圖教學的好處及可行性,主要為成本低且教學設計更動少。
Concept maps are a kind of learning tool that can promote the meaningful learning of students. Previous research has proven the learning benefits of using concept maps in science courses, especially for low prior knowledge students. However, not only a few studies paid attention to chemistry courses at the university level, but also the results were inconsistent.
This study investigated the impacts of concept maps on the students of General Chemistry who had low prior knowledge and indeed had difficulties in learning chemistry. Besides, the students’ attitudes toward concept maps were also investigated. The study applied the quasi-experimental control group design to collect quantitative data (pre-test and post-test) on two topics: uncertainties of measurements (topic 1), acid-base (topic 2). Fill-in-the-nodes concept maps were developed and served as learning tools. In General Chemistry, the students of 108-1 and 109-1 were assigned to the treatment group and control group, respectively.
In this study, the paired t-test was applied to examine the difference between pre-tests and post-tests of each group. Moreover, the ANCOVA and Johnson-Neyman methods were used to examine the difference between the two groups' post-tests based on excluding individual differences in the pre-test. In both groups, the post-tests were significantly higher than the pre-tests. In both topics 1 and 2, the study results showed that the treatment group outperformed the control group. However, for topic 2, this conclusion was restricted to the students whose pre-test scores were less than 30.7. From the analysis of the attitude questionnaire, this study concluded that the students appreciated the usefulness of concept maps. However, they had hesitation in using this new learning tool. The study’s findings strengthened the evidence for the benefits and the feasibility of using concept maps because of low cost and not much modification to instructional design.
Abstract iv
摘要 v
Table of contents vi
List of tables viii
List of figures ix
1.1 Statement of the problem 1
1.1.1 Importance of chemistry knowledge in everyday life 1
1.1.2 Difficulties in learning chemistry 1
1.1.3 Needs of innovating teaching in chemistry 2
1.2 Background of study 3
1.2.1 Needs of chemistry in environmental education 3
1.2.2 Context of study 3
1.3 Purpose of the study 5
1.4 Significance of the study 7
1.5 Scope of the study 7
1.6 Definitions of terms 7
2.1 Concept map 9
2.2 The underlying theory of concept maps 12
2.3 Using concept maps as learning tools 15
2.3.1 Reasons for using concept maps as learning tools 15
2.3.2 Studies of using concept maps as learning tools in chemistry classrooms 16
2.3.3 Students’ attitudes toward concept maps 19
2.3.4 Prior knowledge and concept mapping techniques 20
2.4 Learning the topic of uncertainties of measurements 20
2.5 Learning the topic of acid-base 21
3.1 Research design 23
3.2 Research participants 25
3.3 Research instruments 27
3.3.1 Attitude questionnaire 27
3.3.2 Process of developing concept maps and concept tests 28
3.3.3 Validated propositions and validated concept maps 31
3.3.4 Validity and reliability 34
3.3.5 Learning tools-Concept maps 34
3.4 Data analysis 37
3.4.1 Analysis of concept tests 37
3.4.2 Analysis of attitude questionnaire 38
3.5 Ethical issues 39
3.6 Limitations 39
4.1 Impacts of concept maps on students’ learning 41
4.1.1 Topic 1 41
4.1.2 Topic 2 42
4.1.3 Discussion 44
4.2 Students’ attitude toward concept maps 45
4.2.1 Attitudes of the treatment group 47
4.2.2 Attitudes of the control group 47
4.2.3 Discussion 47
4.3 Correlation between post-test scores and concept map scores 48
4.3.1 Discussion 49
5.1 Conclusion 51
5.2 Future implications 52
5.2.1 Future research 52
5.2.2 Practical implications 53
References 55

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