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作者:Osmonova Kurmanzhandatka
作者(英文):Osmonova Kurmanzhandatka
論文名稱:The Knowledge and Reaction of Sexual Harassment among College Students in Kyrgyzstan: A case of Osh State University
論文名稱(英文):The Knowledge and Reaction of Sexual Harassment among College Students in Kyrgyzstan: A case of Osh State University
指導教授(英文):Li- Chuan Chung
口試委員(英文):Yueh-Mi Lai
Te-Sheng Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Sexual harassmentKnowledgeReactionStudents
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This study describes the Knowledge and reaction about sexual harassment among students in Kyrgyzstan. A case of Osh State University. The researcher also investigated the process including the method, the level of knowledge and how to react to the sexual harassment. The data are collected by quantitative study at one point in time, which is called cross sectional survey. The study shows that Sexual harassment is a problem related to public health and has a significant impact on the dignity, physical and mental health of students. The culture of silence and a lack of active leadership are key features that allow for sexual harassment. The purpose of this study is to know the knowledge and reaction of sexual harassment among students in university. The severe consequences of sexual harassment affect negatively, and research on sexual harassment in university lacks theoretical, approaches and perspectives. Knowledge of sexual harassment prepares students to face such situations with courage. Key Words: Sexual harassment, knowledge, reaction, students.
1.1. Background of study 9
1.2 Research purposes 15
1.3. Research questions 15
1.4. Research significances 16
2.1 Brief History of Sexual Harassment 17
2.1.1. Definition of Sexual Harassment 17
2.1.2. Types of Harassment 22
2.1.3. The factor issues of sexual harassment 23
2.1.4. Forms of Patriarchy 25
2.1.5. Sexual harassment in Education 26
2.1.6. Empirical Results 28
2.1.7. The Effects of Sexual harassment on Student 29
2.1.8. Sexual harassments in Kyrgyzstan 30
2.2 Theory of sexual harassment 33
2.2.1 Gender differences in sexual harassment 33
2.3 Reaction of sexual harassment 35
2.4. Knowledge of sexual harassment 37
2.5. Measurement of sexual harassment 39
2.5.1. Description 39
2.5.2. Reliability 40
2.5.3. Validity 40
3.1 Research Design 43
3.2 Research Participants 44
3.3 Instruments 44
3.4 Reliability 45
3.5 Validity Analysis 46
3.6 Data Collection 50
3.7 Data Analysis 50
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 53
4.2 Bivariate Analysis 53
4.2.1 Sexual Harassment Knowledge and Demographics 54
4.2.2 Sexual Harassment Reaction and Demographic Factors 55 Reaction to own Sexual Harassment 55 Reaction to Witnessed Sexual Harassment 60
4.2.3. Knowledge as a Predictor of Reaction to Sexual Harassment 62
4.3. Discussion of Findings 63
5.1 Summary of the study 67
5.2 Implications of the study 68
5.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for the Future Research 69
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