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作者(英文):Cheng-Yen Tai
論文名稱(英文):The Masculinity Of Fitness Amateur And Its Drug Consumption
指導教授(英文):Chien-Chang Chiu
口試委員(英文):Chieh-Hua Lu
Hsin-Yang Huang
關鍵詞(英文):Fitness AmateurMasculinityDrug Consumption
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This study focuses on fitness amateur to analyze the body construction and drug consumption of fitness amateur through the ideology of masculinity, to clarify how masculinity shaped by social culture influences a man to become a fitness amateur, how he constructs his body and becomes addicted to it in the process, and to explore the motivation and experience of drug consumption consumption of fitness amateur. This study used in-depth interviews and participant observation as the method of data collection. Masculinity has always been an important cultural influence on society. When culture is constantly exported by powerful countries, the image of masculinity is gradually shaped and the image of muscles becomes a symbol of status. Growth from drug prohibition is satisfying and addictive, but at the same time it leads to many health problems. The analysis of this study revealed that masculinity influences the image and values constructed by the amateur, and acts as a shackle to control their behavior and will, and is the driving force behind the construction of the body. In the process of body construction, the inferiority value of the body leads to anxiety and is the main reason for the consumption of forbidden drugs. While drug brings physical success, it also entails complicated procedures, abstinence from sacrifice and health risks, and the burden of stigmatization. This group of drug consumptioner, once faced with a change of scene, will change their body construction patterns and reconstruct their masculinity. Finally, it is suggested that future research subjects be sought from different age and groups to interpret more phenomena using diverse voices.
第一章 緒論 01
第一節 問題意識與背景 01
第二節 研究目的 03
第三節 名詞解釋 04
第二章 文獻回顧 05
第一節 男性氣概的涵義 05
第二節 男性身體的塑造 11
第三節 運動身體與禁藥 16
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究策略 23
第二節 研究對象 24
第三節 研究資料的收集 27
第四節 資料的編碼與分析 28
第五節 研究的品質確認30
第六節 研究倫理 32
第七節 研究流程 34
第四章 健身愛好者的身體建構與禁藥消費 35
第一節 健身愛好者的身體建構 35
一、社會賦予的意識形態與性化男體 35
二、男性健身者的理想女體 53
三、健身房裡的高低尊卑 57
四、健身房的身體塑造 62
五、男體價值的兌現 68
第二節 健身愛好者禁藥消費與體驗 73
一、禁藥世界的初體驗 73
二、禁藥的金錢代價 79
三、禁藥使用的細節安排 81
四、禁藥消費的私用空間 89
五、禁藥產生的副作用 90
六、禁藥效應下的身體轉變 92
七、場域轉換與禁藥停用 96
八、圈內、圈外的認同斷裂 100
第伍章 結論與建議 107
第一節 結論 107
一、社會文化的男體枷鎖 107
二、焦慮引起的禁藥消費 109
第二節 研究建議 111
參考文獻 113
一、中文文獻 113
二、英文文獻 114
三、電子新聞與網路資源 120
四、影視資源 121
附錄 123
附錄一:研究訪綱 123
附錄二:研究訪綱(W小姐) 126
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