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作者(英文):Chin-Wen Liu
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Physical Fitness in Hualien Senior Citizens' Activity Center -Ji'an Township as an Example
指導教授(英文):Ju-Han Lin
口試委員(英文):Ching-Ho Lin
Chia-Yao Lee
關鍵詞(英文):Senior CitizenexerciseOlder AdultsFunctional Fitness
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全世界已開發國家面臨的重大問題與趨勢尌是人口快速老化,老人健 康與照顧更是重要的議題,推動在地老化高齡者社區式福利服務,是台灣 二十年來的政策重點,也是全世界最關心的議題。本研究目的為探討參加 福氣站與非福氣站高齡者之體適能現況與差異。體適能則為教育部體育署 103 年度「樂活(65 歲以上)國民體適能檢測站」內的七大項目:「身體質 量指數」與「腰臀圍比」,以及「抓背」、「椅子坐姿體前彎」、「肱二頭肌手 臂屈舉」、「椅子坐立」、「原地站立抬膝」、「椅子坐立繞物」及「開眼單足 立」等 (張耿介,2015)。本研究為橫斷面調查研究,以不同組別的長者為 自變項,以各種體適能成績為依變項。搜集完高齡者的體適能資料後,先 輸入 excel 儲存。接著再以 IBM(SPSS20.0)進行福氣站高齡者的體適能現況 分析,類別變項呈現個數和百分比,連續變項呈現帄均值和標準差,最後 使用獨立樣本 t 考驗(t-test)分析比較參與福氣站與未參與福氣站的高齡 者各體適能變項帄均值是否有所差異,本實驗統計顯著水準定為 α=.05。
本研究結果顯示參加福氣站組高齡者與未參加福氣站組高齡者,人數 相同皆為 54 位,兩組女性佔多數,實驗組女性佔 85.19%,控制組女性佔 81.48%。參加福氣站組高齡者帄均年齡為 73 歲顯著高於未參加福氣站組高 齡者的帄均年齡 71.2 歲。而在血壓的部分,實驗組的帄均收縮壓和帄均舒 張壓皆優於控制組。參加福氣站的體測項目雖全未優於未參與福氣站的, 但與全國常模相比大多較優,且心肺有氧耐力優於未參與福氣站的,應是 大多數福氣站推廣健康操及舞蹈,致使增強心肺功能。最後本研究可作為 未來推動福氣站之體適能活動介入參考,針對待加強的體適能項目,例如: 柔軟度、帄衡能力,規劃適合的課程,以極球、彈力帶、有氧運動增強肌 肉訓練,藉以提升長者身體的柔軟度、帄衡感,減少肌少症產生或意外跌 倒的風險,以達健康圓滿的老年生活目標。
Among the developed countries all over the world, the main concern issue is population aging. Since people place a high value on health and care of the elderly, the promotion of community-based welfare services for the elderly has become the policy focus of Taiwan over the last decades, and also the most concerned issue in the whole world.
The purpose of this study was to explore the silver-haired people differences in physical fitness between those who participated in Senior Citizens' Activity Center and those we did not. The physical fitness tested items are the seven major items of "Lohas (over 65 years old) National Fitness Test Station" which are created by the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education. The seven tested items include body mass index, waist–hip ratio, scratch back, chair seated body forward bend, biceps arm flexion, chair sitting, high knees, chair sit-wrap, and open-eye stand on right foot. This study is a cross-sectional survey, the elders in different groups are independent variables, and the various physical fitness scores are dependent variables. After collecting the fitness information from the elderly, enter it into excel for storage first. Then, use IBM to analyze the physical fitness status of those who participated in Senior Citizens' Activity Center. The category variables show the number and percentage, and the continuous variables show the average and standard deviation. Finally, use t-test to analyze and compare the average fitness variable between the silver-haired people who participated in Senior Citizens' Activity Center and those we did not. The statistically significant level of this experiment is α = 0.5.
In this study, the number of people in two groups was the same, both majorities are the women. The average age of the participating seniors was 73 years, which was significantly higher than the average age of the elderly who did not participate in Senior Citizens' Activity Center. In terms of blood pressure, the average systolic and diastolic blood pressures of the experimental group were better than those of the control group. Although the physical examination results of the elderly who participated in the Senior Citizens' Activity Center were not all better than those who did not participate. But it is higher than the average, and the cardiopulmonary aerobic endurance is better than those who did not participate in Senior Citizens' Activity Center. It is speculated that most centers promote aerobics and dance, which can enhance cardiopulmonary function.
In short, this study can be used as a reference for promoting physical fitness activities in the Senior Citizens' Activity Center in the future. For the physical fitness items to be strengthened, such as: softness, balance ability, plan suitable courses, strengthen muscle training with pole ball, elastic band, aerobic exercise. In order to improve the flexibility and balance of the elderly's body, reduce the risk of muscular disease or accidental fall, so as to achieve a healthy and successful elderly life.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 問題背景與研究的重要性 2
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究問題 7
第五節 研究假設 7
第六節 研究範圍與限制 8
第七節 名詞操作性定義 8
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 高齡者運動的重要性 11
第二節 高齡者健康相關政策 14
第三節 高齡者體適能的研究 20
第四節 本章總結 22
第參章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究架構 23
第二節 研究設計 24
第三節 研究對象 25
第四節 實驗地點與時間 25
第五節 研究工具 26
第六節 研究程序與步驟 31
第七節 研究分析與統計處理 33
第肆章 結果 34
第一節 福氣站及非福氣站之高齡者基本特性分析 34
第二節 福氣站及非福氣站之體適能差異分析 35
第三節 高齡者的基本特性與各項體適能的相關性分析 38
第伍章 討論 43
第一節 花蓮地區長者體適能現況討論 43
第二節 有無參與福氣站體適能差異比較 44
第陸章 結論與建議 47
第一節 結論 47
第二節 建議 48
參考文獻 49
一、中文部分 49
二、外文部分 52
附錄 53
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