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作者(英文):Pei-Ling Li
論文名稱(英文):Action Research of Improving English Word Recognition through Board Games
指導教授(英文):Ya-Chun Shih
口試委員(英文):Li-De Li
Yueh-Hung Tseng
關鍵詞(英文):Board GameEnglish Word RecognitionEnglish Learning Motivation
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該研究運用行動研究法,實施了兩款改編自「拔毛運動會」及「猜猜我是誰」,以及一款出版桌上遊戲「妙語說書人」,作為增進英語字彙的方式。研究對象為位於花蓮一所偏鄉國小的十四名五年級學生,他們參與為期十一周的課後補救教學。課程為翰林教材《Dino on the Go 6》的主題詞彙結合研究者設計的棋盤遊戲方法相結合。

量化數據透過VKS (Vocabulary Knowledge Scale) 前後測以及英語學習動機量表前後測來收集。此外,藉由每次週期循環的學生回饋單、錄影記錄、關鍵觀察者的觀察記錄、與學生的半結構式訪談以及研究者的反思札記來收集質性資料。採用混合方法進行分析,檢驗質性及量化數據,並使用質性資料分析法和描述性統計來呈現行動研究的全面結果和發現,並透過三角檢證來強化其信效度。

The research utilized action research as its methodology to implement two revised and one public board game as a means to engage Taiwanese EFL young learners in learning English vocabulary. The study involved fourteen fifth-grade students from a rural public elementary school in Hualien, Taiwan who participated in an eleven-week remedial course. The curriculum integrated theme-based vocabulary from the current textbook (Dino on the Go 6) with the board game approach designed by the researcher.
Quantitative data was collected through VKS pretest and post-test, as well as English learning motivation scale pretest and posttest. Additionally, qualitative data was gathered through feedback sheets at the end of each cycle, video-record notes, observation notes from a critical observer, semi-structured interviews with the students, and reflections from the researcher. The mixed method of analysis was employed to examine both qualitative and quantitative data, using QDA and descriptive statistics to present comprehensive results and findings from the action research, thereby enhancing its validity through triangulation.
The results showed a great improvement in word recognition for all, with the most notable effect seen in the medium achievers. While there was only slight improvement in English learning motivation for all students, the low achievers improved their Value of learning English the most, the medium achievers improved their Anticipation the most and the high achievers reduced their Test Anxiety the most through the board game approach. To succeed, the researcher suggests considering board game rules settling, heterogeneous grouping and board games selection before applying board game approach in English learning.
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
1.1 Background of The Study 1
1.2 Statement of The Problems 2
1.3 Purposes of The Study 3
1.4 Research Questions 4
1.5 Significance of The Study 4
1.6 Limitations of The Study 5
1.6.1 Limitations to the Objectives 5
1.6.2 Limitations to the Research Methods and Time 5
1.7 Definition of Terms 5
1.7.1 Board Game 5
1.7.2 Word Recognition in English 6
1.7.3 English Learning Motivation 6
2.1 The Importance of Vocabulary Learning 7
2.2. Word Recognition in English 7
2.3. The Concept of Board Games in EFL Class 8
2.3.1 The Definition of Games 8
2.3.2 The Advantages of Adapting Games in Learning 8
2.3.3 Principles of Adapting Games in Teaching and Learning Activities 9
2.4 The Board Games 10
2.4.1 The Definition of Board Games 10
2.4.2 The Advantages of Board Games in Language Teaching 11
2.4.3 The Procedures for Teaching Vocabulary by Using Board Games (Lesson Plan) 15
3.1 Research Method 16
3.2 Research Design 16
3.3 Research Procedure 19
3.3.1 Participants 20
3.3.2 Board Game Selection and Sequence of Implementation 22
3.5 Data Collection and Instrumentation 25
3.5.1 VKS Pretest and Posttest (48 VKS) 26
3.5.2 English Learning Background Information Questionnaire 28
3.5.3 English Learning Motivation Scale 28
3.5.4 Lesson Plans (LP) 29
3.5.5 English Learning Feedback Sheet (LFS) 29
3.5.6 Self-Reflection Note (SRN) 30
3.5.7 Observation Note (ON) 30
3.5.8 Semi-structured interview (IV) 30
3.5.9 Video- Record Note (VRN) 31
3.6 Data Analysis 31
4.1 Cycle I: The Events that Happened in the Board Game Activities 32
4.1.1 Week 1: The Zicke-Zacke Board Game 33
4.1.2 Week 2: The Hedbanz Board Game 35
4.1.3 Week 3: The Dixit Board Game 38
4.2 Cycle II: The Events that Happened in the Board Game Activities 40
4.2.1 Week 4: Zicke-Zacke Board Game 41
4.2.2 Week 5: Hedbanz Board Game 43
4.2.3 Week 6: Dixit Board Game 45
4.3 Cycle III: The Events that Happened in the Board Game Activities 47
4.3.1 Week 7: Zicke-Zacke Board Game 49
4.3.2 Week 8: Hedbanz Board Game 50
4.3.3 Week 9: Dixit Board Game 52
5.1 Research Question 1 55
5.1.1 The Results of the Quantitative Data 55
5.1.2 The result of the Average Score of the 48 VKS Pre-posttests 57
5.1.3 The Results of the Qualitative Data Analysis 59
5.2 Research Question 2 60
5.2.1 The Results of the Quantitative Data 61
5.2.2 The Results of the Average Score of the English Motivation Scale Pre-Posttest 65
5.2.3 The Results of Qualitative Data Analysis 67
5.3 Research Question 3 68
5.3.1 The Results of the Qualitative Data Analysis 69
6.1 Conclusions 76
6.1.1 The Conclusion to Word Recognition 76
6.1.2 The Conclusion to English Learning Motivation 76
6.1.3 The Strategy of Implementation to the Board Game 77
6.2 Suggestions 77
Appendix 1 78
Appendix 2 80
Appendix 3 81
Appendix 4 84
Appendix 5 103
Appendix 6 105
Appendix 7 106
Appendix 8 107
Appendix 9 108
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