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作者(英文):Wan-Qing Hsu
論文名稱(英文):A Web Visitor Behavior Analysis of A University Website Based on Big Data Analytics Techniques
指導教授(英文):Chung Yung
口試委員(英文):Yu-Lan Yuan
Guan-Ling Lee
關鍵詞(英文):Big dataWeb miningDiscriminant analysis
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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在本論文中,我們利用分析結果將網站到訪者所在的國家分成三類:1) 申請件數= 0,2) 申請件數= 1,3) 申請件數> 1。我們使用的方法分成三個階段。首先,我們使用Incidental and Frequent User (IFU) 分析將所有到訪者分成兩組;分別是經常性到訪者和偶發性到訪者。其次,我們定義了七個有影響力的因素與IFU結果做排列組合,並在Visitor Browsing Behaviors (VBB) 分析中計算它們的影響。最後,我們對VBB分析的結果進行了區別分析,並找出較大影響的因素。


The goal of this thesis is to use big data analysis technology to analyze the relationship between the number of applications from various countries and the web log of the browsing behavior on university department websites. In order to explore their relationship, we decided to divide the countries into three groups and use discriminant analysis to analyze them. We used the data from the first four semesters to establish a model to verify the results of the 2021 spring semester, and the experimental accuracy rate is 79.6%. Then based on the results, we propose feasible strategies to make conclusions.

In this thesis, we use the analysis results to classify the countries, from which the visitors of the website, into three categories: 1) = 0, we accept to the application from the countries, 2) = 1, we accept exactly one application from each of the countries, and 3) > 1, we accept more than one application from each of the countries. Our methodology includes three plases. First, we use Incidental and Frequent User (IFU) analysis to classify all visitors into two groups; namely, frequent visitors and incidental visitors. Second, we define seven influential factors for IFU and experiment on their impact in the Visitor Browsing Behaviors (VBB) analysis. Finally, we perform the discriminant analysis with the influential factors with the best indication (indices) in the VBB analysis.

We analyze the behavior patterns for spring semesters and fall semesters and the overall behavior pattern. We use the data from the 2019 spring semester to the 2020 fall semester for experiments. There are a total of 11,182,613 records and 2,246,882 visitors. We use these data to predict the number of applications for the 2021 spring semester. Finally, we use the analysis result of the overall visitor behavior of the four semesters and predict on the classification of countries based on thesis number of applications. We get the analysis accuracy rate of 79.6%, while the accuracy rate is reduced to 77.7% with result of 2019 and 2020 spring data only.

We hope that after the results of this prediction, we can instantly know the application status of those countries from which. If the visit status of a certain country during this semester is not as expected, we can use online advertisement and videos to promote the country in the remaining two months of application time. It is hoped that in the future, we will be able to add data from other universities or departments and use different universities or the same department to observe the differences in browsing conditions and publicity strategy.
1 Introduction   1
2 Background   5
2.1 Big Data   5
2.2 Big Data Analytics Architecture   7
2.3 Web Mining   8
2.4 Discriminant Analysis   9
3 Visitor Classi cation   11
3.1 Overall Analysis Framework   11
3.2 Incidentals and Frequents User Analysis   13
3.2.1 Definition   14
2.2.2 Analysis Algorithm   16
3.3 Seven Influential Factors   19
3.4 Visitor Browsing Behavior Analysis: Based on Seven Influential Factors   22
4 Visitor Behavior Analysis   29
4.1 Combinations of Independent Variables   29
4.2 Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis   30
4.3 Discussion on PLS Regression  35
4.4 Preparation For the Discriminant Analysis  36
4.5 Discriminant Analysis in SPSS  38
5 Strategy Based on Analysis Results  53
5.1 Strategy of Pattern B  58
5.1.1 Case1:Indonesia  58
5.1.2 Case2:Kyrgyzstan  59
5.1.3 Case3:Malawi  60
5.1.4 Case4:Mongolia  62
5.1.5 Case5:Pakistan  63
5.1.6 Case6:SouthAfrica  64
5.2 Strategy of Pattern C  66
5.2.1 Case1:Gambia  66
5.2.2 Case2:Haiti  67
5.2.3 Case3:Nigeria  68
6 Discussion and Conclusion  71
6.1 Program Running  71
6.2 Analysis result  72
6.3 Conclusion   73
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