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作者(英文):Chung-Lun Kao
論文名稱(英文):Enhancement of Two-dimensional Hash Chain Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network
指導教授(英文):Ching-Nung Yang
口試委員(英文):Wen-Chung Kuo
Tao-Ku Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Wireless sensor networkPairwise key distributionHash chainKey pre-distributionNode-capture attackAdvanced Node-capture attack
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無線感測網路 (Wireless Sensor Network; WSN) 是透過具有無線通信能力的感測裝置所佈建置網路感測系統。主要應用於數據的收集、分析、與整合。WSN在軍事、工業、商業環境上已有極廣泛與實際的應用。由於大量重要領域的使用,因此感測裝置間通訊的安全性就成為非常重要的議題,為了確保WSN的安全通訊,我們需要一個有效率的金鑰分配與管理機制。WSN的金鑰的分配機制分為兩大類: 一個是決定式的金鑰分配機制 (Deterministic Key Distribution Scheme; DKDS),另一個是機率式的金鑰分配機制 (Probabilistic Key Distribution Scheme; PKDS)。所謂的DKDS是WSN任兩個網路節點均能共享一個祕密金鑰。反之,PKDS 是WSN任兩個網路節點共享一個祕密金鑰是機率式的,若這兩節點無法共享密鑰,就需透過其他路徑。以分享密鑰的成員方式分類,可以分為會議金鑰分配機制 (Conference Key Distribution Scheme; CKDS),以及成對金鑰分配機制 (Pair-wise Key Distribution Scheme; PKDS)。
本論文研究的是機率式的成對金鑰分配機制。最常使用的一種機制是,金鑰預分配機制 (Key Pre-distribution; KP)。每個節點儲存的金鑰數目愈多,兩個節點間的連通率就愈高,但是節點被捕獲攻擊 (Node-capture Attack; NA)的危險也就愈大。爾後,有使用雜湊鏈提高金鑰預分配安全的HCKP (Hash Chain KP),隨之Ehdaie等人基於HCKP,更設計了二維的HCKP (Two-dimensional HCKP; 2D-HCKP) 改善傳統HCKP的節點攻擊抵抗能力。本論文只使用2D-HCKP二維圖形中的對角線節點,更進一步的增強NA攻擊的抵抗性。因為只使用對角線 (Diagonal Layer),我們的機制簡稱為DL-HCKP (Diagonal Layer-HCKP)。相較於之前植基於雜湊鏈的HCKP、與2D-HCKP機制,我們的DL-HCKP還可以抵抗加強型的節點被捕獲攻擊 (Advanced NA; ANA)。所謂的ANA是攻擊者能夠知道節點的ID,所以攻擊者會捕獲標ID儘可能小的節點已達到更廣泛的攻擊。由於我們的DL-HCKP只使用二維圖形中的對角線節點,我們可以理論證明能夠有效地克服ANA攻擊。
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is deployed by wireless sensor nodes for data collection, analysis, and integration via wireless communication technology. The WSN has already been widely used in military, industrial, and commercial areas. Because of widely using WSN, the security issue in WSN is very important. To achieve secure communication, an effective and efficient key distribution and management scheme in WSN is necessarily required. WSN key management is subdivided into two categories. One is deterministic key distribution scheme (DKDS) and the other is probabilistic key distribution scheme (PKDS). Sensor nodes in DKDS can definitely share a common key. On the contrary, sharing secret key among sensor nodes is probabilistic way when using PKDS. If two sensor nodes cannot share a common secret key, the sensor node should try sharing a common key from other paths. From the involved sensor nodes, key distribution in WSN has two types: one is conference key distribution scheme (CKDS), and the other is pair-wise key distribution scheme (PKDS).
The propose scheme in this thesis is the PKDS. The most commonly used scheme is key pre-distribution (KP). The more keys in a sensor node, the higher link connectivity between two sensor nodes is achieved. However, for the case, there exists a higher risk of node-capture attack (NA). Accordingly, some KP schemes adopt hash chains to improve the security, and are referred to as hash chain KP (HCKP). Subsequently, Ehdaie et al. enhance HCKP by using two-dimensional hash chains, to design a two-dimensional HCKP (2D-HCKP) for further increasing the resilience on NA. In the thesis, we only adopt the diagonal layer in this two-dimensional hash chains to further improve resilience of NA. When compared with hash chain based KP, HCKP and 2D-HCKP, our diagonal layer-HCKP (DL-HCKP) can resist the advanced NA (ANA). The so-called ANA is that attacker can know the ID of nodes, such that attacker may capture the sensor with the small ID to achieve more effective attack.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Contribution of the Thesis 4
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 4
Chapter 2 Previous Works 5
2.1 1DHC and Commutative 2DHC 5
2.2 Bechkit et al.’s 1D-HCKP 6
2.3 Ehdaie et al.’s 2D-HCKP 8
Chapter 3 The Proposed DL-HCKP 10
3.1 Resilience of Node-Capture Attack 11
3.2 Number of Required Hash Operation 17
3.3 Critical Problem in Node-Capture Attack 18
Chapter 4 Comparison 22
Chapter5 Conclusion 25
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