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作者(英文):Yu-Kai Chen
論文名稱(英文):An Agile Production System for Interactive English Learning Based on Augmented Reality
口試委員(英文):SHIN-FENG LIN
Morten Wang
關鍵詞(英文):Augmented realityMobile augmented realityEnglish learningMarker-based augmented realityContent customizationAgile generation systemWeb page editing system
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The rapid development of technology has led to a large number of entertainment activities that only need a mobile phone or computer, which makes learning more boring. This research hopes to use AR to increase students' interest and interaction in learning. The research is divided into "web system" and "APP". "Webpage system" is made through XAMPP and Laravel. You can simply add AR scenes to the theme without complicated engineering background and additional time and money costs. This study uses Unity to combine Java, MySQL and Vuforia SDK to make English practical learning "APP", interact with students through models, videos, speeches, oral exams, etc., so that English teachers can design different AR English learning courses. Classroom teaching content. Increase students' interest and interactive participation. At the same time, when teachers change the content of test questions or add test questions on the website, they can also update the content of the test questions in time without updating or re-downloading.
摘要 I
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的與貢獻 2
第 2 章 前人文獻與探討 5
2.1 擴增實境的定義 5
2.2 擴增虛擬實境教學應用 5
2.3 相近擴增實境學習軟體 6
2.4 相近擴增實境學習軟體比較 9
第 3 章 英語學習AR互動應用雲端式製作與行動式體驗系統設計 11
3.1 擴增實境引擎 13
3.2 網頁介面 16
3.2.1 LARAVEL 框架 16
3.2.2 英語學習課程架構設計 19
3.2.3 細部設計 26
3.3 內容伺服器 36
3.3.1 MYSQL資料表設計 37
3.3.2 網頁對伺服器與資料庫的存取與要求 40
3.3.3 伺服器-APP間之存取與要求 43
3.4 行動裝置(APP)端 48
3.4.1 選課階段 48
3.4.2 學習階段 49
第 4 章 系統實務操作與效果調查評析 59
4.1 網頁端課程題目編修 59
4.2 APP端課程學習體驗 65
4.3 問卷調查 71
4.3.1 問卷設計 71
第 5 章 結論與未來展望 75
5.1 結論 75
5.2 未來展望 75
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