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作者(英文):Jose Andres Obregon Martinez
論文名稱(英文):Smart contract and Blockchain technology applied to surveillance system
指導教授(英文):Tao-Ku Chang
口試委員(英文):Han-Ying Kao
Jia-Xiang Wu
關鍵詞(英文):Smart contractSurveillance systemBlockchainthe Internet of Thingsencryption
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目前解決很多的資安的問題都開始應用區塊鏈和智能合約的組合且如此的解決方法也有吸引到許多的研究員還有投資者。 雖然在近期幾年智能合約和區塊鏈有不斷的研究怎麽應用在各方便,不過監視系統和最近的科技還沒有組合在一起的存在。 本文旨在通過智能合約與區塊鏈減輕監視系統的資訊安全的問題同時能顯出來這兩個科技在本系統的影響。 在本方面使用這方法不但能保證資訊的安全還有同時能使用新的方式存監視系統的資料,本文還指出幾項能驗證資訊有沒有被駭。在proposed method有提供了在本系統各角色的功能和如何交流。
Smart contracts and Blockchain used to solve security issues in any field is something that made researches and investors put their attention on it recently. Even though research has been made in the used of smart contracts and blockchain together or separately, research focused on applying these two new technologies to a surveillance system still remain. The research and proposed method in the following thesis aims to contribute to solve security issues for surveillance system and it presents how this two technologies mentioned may be applied in order to work along for an optimum and efficient storage process day by day. The proposed method also shows the interaction among all the participants in detailed and the roll that each of them play as part of a complex system.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1. 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contribution 2
1.3 Introduction 3
Chapter 2. 8
2.1 Related Work 8
2.1.1 Surveillance systems and Internet of Things (Section 1) 8
2.1.2 Blockchain and IoT prior works (Section 2) 10
2.1.3 Smart contracts prior works (Section 3) 13
Chapter 3. 21
3.1 Technical Terms/Concepts 21
3.1.1 IoT (Internet of things) 21
3.1.2 (IoT) Sensors 22
3.1.3 (IoT) Actuators 22
3.1.4 (IoT) Connectivity 23
3.1.5 (IoT) IoT Cloud 23
3.1.6 (IoT) End-user devices and user Interface 23
3.2 Blockchain 24
3.3 Smart Contract 29
Chapter 4. Proposed Method 31
Chapter 5. Implementation 38
Getting the data from surveillance system 39
Verifying if the data has been corrupted 45
Chapter 6. Conclusions 47
References 50
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